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"you want some food midnight?" i said with a high pitched voice, midnight simply meowed, it was 8 in the morning and midnight had kept me up all night.

that's when i remember i would meet dabi today, "oh fuck." i muttered to myself before hitting myself in the head.

that's when i remembered we were hanging out at night so i decided i would get more sleep, "midnight be quiet okay?" midnight didn't even bother staring at me she just kept munching her food.

i walked over to my room plopping on to the bed, i set a alarm till 8pm so i wouldn't over sleep.

if you didn't know i had a horrible sleep schedule, then i blacked out.

i woke up in a dark room the only noise i heard was midnight purring and breathing, then my alarm rang.

"perfect." i picked up my phone and turned off the alarm, then i got ready.

before you i knew it i was walking the empty streets.

once i arrived i saw dabi leaning against the wall scrolling through his phone.

"hello." , his head looked up he scanned you up and down before saying "yo." .

"so what are the plans man?" you said before making finger guns.

he just chuckled "i was just saying we walk around.".

"i am fine with that."

you both began to walk the dark streets "so dabi is that like your villain name or your actual name?"

"it's not my real name i'd prefer people didn't know my really name." he said with a annoyed tone.

" l/n y/n aren't you the daughter of half." he said boldly "sadly i am and how do you know my last-" before you could finish your words he said more.

"you know i love the story of him and your mother it's quite nice i mean i am surprised they kept you a secret for five years."

"i guess my mom was definitely the better parent though." "why do you say that?"

"first she's not some shitty hero." "i thought that would be the main reason."

we continued to walk the streets, his hands tucked in his hoodies pocket, "so let me guess you're some runaway." you said looking at dabi.

"i proudly am." he said with a smirk on his face, "and i am assuming you are too?"

"well yes."

you looked at your phone it was now 1 in the morning you two had been walking around for hours.

"it's 1 i am going to get heading home now ." you said "okay doll face you down to do this again."


you both walked opposite ways on the way home you looked up into the dark skies, sometimes the thoughts of your mother came into your mind.

"where are you." you muttered to yourself before you heard a high pitch scream, you looked over seeing a woman getting held down.

out of instinct you ran over making your flame lassos grabbing the man and throwing him into the wall.

"piece of shit." you said as the man passed out, "are you okay?" you asked the woman, "y/n?"

you saw a familiar face under all the makeup "yura? what are you doing out here?"

"uhm totally not trying to rob people because i was totally not fired." she let out a nervous laugh.

"come on."

you put your hand out yura got up brushing the dirt off her body, i walked over to the man and let white flames emerge from my palm.

"y/n you don't need to mark him." yura said "he tried to hurt you he deserves it." the white flame touched the mans skin and began to make a burn mark on his arm.

the smell of burned flesh hit your nostrils, your face filled with disgust.

yura just stared in fear she had never seen you like this, "can we go now." yura said.

"yes." you and yura began to walk home, "so what happened?"

"i got fired lost my place to some old woman and now i have no where to stay."

"you're always welcomed at my place, and you know you're at a higher risk of getting killed out here."

"why do you say that?"

"your quirk idiot."

"oh i forgot about that."

yuras quirk was weak and she knew it.

once we got home she plopped on the couch and fell asleep, then i did.

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oof i am sorry i haven't been updating i've been on writers block :( .

i won't be updating for a week sorry guys i just have a lot to do !!

word count : 769

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