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the morning sun shined through the windows blinds , i got up and went to make some coffee.

at this time dabi wouldn't be up tell later about 10 he was a sleepy boy.

as the coffee brewed i grabbed my phone and texted my mother , "good morning hope you slept well love you!" .

in 3 minutes i eventually got another text back , "hey sweetheart hope you slept well too in a couple weeks mai's going to UA."

"did you talk to her about us and all that?"

"yes i did."

"how did she react?"

"she said she'd never hurt us no matter what kid has love in her."

"that's good well i heard dabi yawn so i'm going to go love you be safe."

"love you too."

the man you loved walked down the stairs , "it's pretty early ay shouldn't you be asleep?"

"shut up i smelt coffee that's why."

"someone slept on the wrong side of the bed..." i said with a smirk.

"i didn't at all you just hog up the bed doll."

"i do huh?"

i walked over to dabi who was getting his coffee cup out of the cabinet , my hands wrapped around his waist and my head laid on his back.

"i love you even if you're a bitch."

"yah yah whatever lets watch the news."

"are you old now? my boyfriend HAS GONE OLD?!" i said in a joking manner.

"god you're so loud , and maybe i've just matured?" he said with a wink.

"mature? pft."

"what you don't think i'm not mature?" he asked before he slapped your ass.

"HEY THATS NOT NICE!" i yelled back , "you said i'm not mature so..."

he then walked off sat down on the couch , turned on the tv and watched the news.

"are we getting old now?" i asked , "you're 20 i'm 21 we are doing what a nice mature couple would do."

"ew you sound so elegant we just killed someone like a day ago and you're all calm and "mature"." i said while quoting "mature." with my fingers.

"he deserved to die." dabi remarked.


i walked over to the couch and plopped down with him we sipped our coffee and watched the news.

his arm wrapped around me and pulled me close , your neck just laid on his chest.

"isn't that your dad?" dabi said as he pointed to the tv.


your father was on the screen talking about how's he going to be a teacher at UA , i wonder if mai knows this...

"looks like mai's going to meet her daddo after all."

"i guess so."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

quick little small chapter , the bakugou fanfic is out officially now lol i finally figured out a plot if you would like to read it just check my page and it should be there :)

love you guys <3

word count : 476

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