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"YURA" you screamed, "IT WAS A JOKE CALM DOWN."

you threw the pillow at her yuras face she had been doing this routine everyday to get your sleep schedule back in place first she would blast music then throw water on your face.

for the past couple nights you had been going out to see dabi, you've both learned a lot about each other over the nightly walks.

but the nightly walks had ruined your sleep schedule "come on y/n midnight needs some food." yura said.

"you can go get it you made me buy her." you said as you strained the water from your hair you hated this "routine".

"you need to get outside enjoy the weather! look it's amazing." she said as she opened the blinds.

you covered your eyes "fine." you muttered you got up and got ready for the day.

"3 fucking hours of sleep" i muttered to myself

"you ready to go!!" yura said "yes let's go." you whined.

dabi's POV : (oOh sHit)

"so who the fuck is this girl your are talking about?" shigaraki asked.

"her name is y/n first off crusty."

"just get to the damn point stop wasting my time."

"she's fucking over powered that's all i really got to say she's told me about her quirk it's fire manipulation she makes these lassos of fire and holy shit you should of saw her against that scum bag."

"so you seem to have a lot to say about this girl!" toga said with a pep of excitement in her voice.

"it's not like that you psycho bitch i mean i'd totally fuck her but-"

"SILENCE." shigaraki yelled not wanting to hear anymore.

"is she a villain?"

"why would you think i'd talk to some shitty stuck up hero?"

"i'll think about it."

i then went on my phone and decided to shoot her a text.

dabi ~ hey

y/n ~ hello dAbi

dabi ~ you're already annoying me so look i have a simple offer for you.

y/n ~ and that is?

dabi ~ league of villains join us ;)

back to your POV :

i was jumping around on the streets "y/n what has gotten into you?" yura said laughing.

"nothing nothing it's just i am extremely excited for something!" i said back with a smile on my face.

"let me guess?" yura said with a finger on her chin.

"dabi and you are a thing!!"

"I MET HIM LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO!" you practically shouted back at your best friend.



yura was just laughing her ass off, "we are here so stop screaming." yura said while laughing still.

you both walked into the pet shop yura ran off and grabbed some cat food, you stood there waiting the someone tapped your shoulder.

you turned around seeing dabi "what the fuck are you doing here?" you asked.

"waiting for toga to get her fish some food she's probably going to end up killing it." he muttered.

"so i have a question?" you asked.

"are you in the-" he quickly put his hand over my mouth.

"not in public sweet cheeks wait till later."

for some reason i blushed? why was i blushing?

"are you blushing? that's cute." he had a smirk on his face.

"blushing over you? in your dreams."

"i bet i am in those wet ones of yours." he said winking.

"well toga got her fish food i got to go see ya later sweet cheeks."

he then left with the girl.

why is he acting this way? horny mother-

that's when your thoughts got interrupted "y/n lets go."

you and yura walked home, "so i saw dabi and you, you were a blushing mess why was that?"

"oh it was nothing."

"nothing huh? you never blush at anything!!"

"it was nothing now let's feed this damn cat!"
i was practically screaming at her again.

"fine then." she said with a smirk on her face, yura slowed down walking and tried to touch your shoulder "don't touch me you bitch."


"it's just instinct i've known you since a little kid don't you think i'd know all your dumb tricks." i laughed.

once we got home yura fed midnight and time passed it was now ten o'clock at night.

you snuck out not trying to wake up yura, once you were out of your house you were greeted by the one and only


"you ready to go meet these fuck faces." he snickered.

"i mean it's the league of villains of course."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞


i won't update in i believe two days but i pinky promise i won't leave you all hanging to long ;)))

word count : 810

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