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you dialed the phone , waiting for your mother to pick up.

it had been a couple of days since dabi was stabbed , he's drained all he does is sleep now but i'm fine with it.

"hello!" my mom said , "hey mom so basically quite a bit happened like 72 hours ago."

"what happened?" "dabi got stabbed by my ex's friend i don't know who he was but he threatened to kill me and dabi."

"that's horrible is dabi okay?" "yes he's just sleeping."

"hm is there anything i can do? maybe some flowers or something." "he isn't the flower type mom."

you both let out some laughes talked a bit then ended the call.

"hey baby you want some food?" "huh" dabi said while rubbing his eyes.

"would you like some food?" "no i would like to sleep."


you walked out the bedroom , that's when you heard a knock at the door.

"who would that be?" you walked down the stairs and began to open the door.

"hello is this y/n?" a man said "uh no wrong house."

you knew something was suspicious about this , "my bad have you see her around?" "no i haven't seen her for awhile now , may i ask why you're trying to find her?"

"her ex just wants to talk to her , thank you for your time."

"no problem."

you shut the door and went upstairs , "touya?" "what sunshine." "someone came up to the door asking for me."

"who?" he immediately got up out the bed "what did they look like?" "lay back down don't get up it's bad for you."

"i'm fine." "touya lay down please."

"god fine." "look i'll be fine okay?" you reassured hi. "but i don't want you to get hurt."

"i know but i can defend myself i'll be fine okay? just believe in me."

"promise me."

"promise you want touya?"

"you'll never die in those shit heads hands."

"i promise."

"good now get me some food."

"what?! I JUST ASKED YOU."

"i wasn't hungry then now i'm hungry."


you walked down stairs and started to make dabi some ramen "god damn it touya." you muttered to yourself.

you walked up the stairs and gave the food to touya. "thanks." "it was no problem."

"touya." "what." dabi said with a mouthful of noodles.

"you're not going to be able to come to the whole UA raid." "bullshit ill go i'll be fine."

"it's in 2 days your wounds haven't healed i don't want you to get hurt."

"did you not hear me i'll be fine we will be fine now calm down."

you just sighed you knew he just wanted to protect you but he couldn't always protect you from everything.

you just laid down in the bed "i'm going to take a nap." you muttered as you covered yourself with the blankets.

you drifting asleep leaving dabi alone with his thoughts.

he just stared as you slept , he enjoyed you in your calm state and not knowing state , he started messing with your h/c locks .

he loved your hair , your smile the way you walk every tiny detail matter to him.

he never wanted to lose you.

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

sorry for another short chapter , but next chapter will probably be around 800 words i won't let you guys down :)) .

word count :555

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