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today the league was going to raid UA and dabi wasn't happy about it.

"can i just go i'll be fine." dabi muttered as he laid in bed , "you're not even ready! just let me go i'll be okay."

"fine." he said as he covered his face with the white blanket , "well its time to go , i love you."

"love you more doll face be safe okay." "i will."

you walked out the bedroom wearing your plain black villain suit , you checked yourself out before putting on the mask.

the mask was separated one side black and the other white , it represented your flames and you liked how it went with your black suit.

{ time skip to the bar }

"Y/N!!." toga screamed before she hugged me , "hey toga." you hugged her back , shigaraki just stared.

"why are you so happy?" you asked toga , "oh i get to see deku-kun he's so cute!! i bet his blood is cuter!!" toga was screaming in excitement it had been awhile since she saw her "boyfriend" .

"it's time." shigaraki said , kurogiri made  portals for us i put on my mask then we left.

the plan was to get into the cafeteria hurt some students and cause a public scare , i could even lie with kurogiri's quirk made things a lot more easier.

then we were there , students just stared , "hey guys! have you seen deku-kun?" toga said with a huge grin.

the students just stared , "we aren't here for your boy toy toga now shut it." shigaraki said.

"WHO ARE THESE EXTRAS?!" some kid with blonde hair screamed.

"extras have you seen yourself? fucking hedgehog." you said as you smirked under your mask.

"THATS IT." the kid charged at you his palms filled with explosions, "y/n." shigaraki muttered.

"got it." you made your flames , he tried to hit you but you dodged him , you did a back flip and landed on a table.

"sorry guys i didn't mean to step in your food." you giggled , one of the students just giggled at your joke the rest just sat in fear.

"GOD DAMN IT COME HERE." the kid screamed, "i'm getting sick of you hedgehog."

you lit your flames and decided to make your famous lassos , the white lasso grabbed him.

then you slammed him into the wall , his body just laid on the floor , "see i hate bullying kids." you said.

after that boy was slammed into the wall most of the kids fled the cafeteria.

"w-who are you?" he asked with annoyance, "none of your business." "you're a coward for hiding under that dumb mask."

"and you're weak." you walked away from the boy.

that's when a loud voice took over the large room.


it was all might wonder what he would think when he saw his "niece" .

he stood tall waiting for someone to do something , "y/n now." shigaraki muttered you took of the mask showing the man you once called family.

all mights eyes widen seeing you , "young y/n is that you?" he asked , "what toshi?" "why are you here." he questioned.

"why do you think i'm here uncle might? to help?" you let out a laugh and grinned.

"sad to see you went this way."

"also remember my mom? she still loves you even though you snitched on our family."

"i never said anything about your mother being a villain? who told you that?"

"dad did."

"i never said anything your father did it because he had fell in love with his mistress and wanted a divorce he just didn't want to take the blame."

"w-what?" "id never lie to you young y/n and you know that."

"this conversation is over." shigaraki said , then portals appeared shigaraki has enough he knew if you two kept talking soon everyone would be at the school.

all might was debating on getting you he just couldn't bring himself up too it.

"bye uncle toshi." you said before you left with no trace.

you arrived at the bar , "so y/n that was pretty funny you broke all might down!!" toga said with a smile on her face.

"yeah i guess."

"i should get going see you guys later." you waved bye then drove back to your house.

once you pulled up dabi was sitting on the couch , "hey baby." you said as you put the car keys on the table.

"hey." "so i think i might of made all might have a emotional breakdown."

"well tell me about it."

you both sat there talking for a good hour about what happened.

"well i'm happy you're safe that's all that matters."


"don't get all mushy."

"how could i not when i have a great loving boyfriend."

you just smirked before giving him a kiss

"i love you touya."

"as i always say i love you more."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

hey guys so i'm wandering if any of you would be interested if i made a shinsou fanfic? if i did the updates on it would probably be slow but maybe some of you would like it? please tell me  if you are interested<3

word count : 863

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