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a tear fell down your ex's face , he couldn't believe that today was his last.

"y/n." dabi spoke , "what?" "hero's and cops are coming we got to go."

"give me a second." you made your lassos and grabbed your ex off the ground.

"hold on tight."

before your ex could even put out another word his body slammed into the motels sign.

the motel sign fell to the ground , "you're so badass." dabi said as he pulled you over to him.

"let's go y/n." kurogiri had a portal open we immediately left the scene , we were put back in our house.

"he's pretty convenient." "yea kurogiri is a great uh portal."

a small chuckle escaped dabi's mouth , "you think he's dead?"


that's when you noticed your phone , it was your mom she was spamming you.

"what the f-fuck."

"what doll?"

"my mom."

it was my sister i guess she wanted to become a hero and her mom didn't know how to react , she didn't know about her being a villain.

"she wants to be a h-ero."

"that's a joke right?"

"sadly no and i guess her quirk changed ? how is that even possible." you said to dabi.

"what is it now?"

"it's literally my fathers quirk she can manipulate both lights now."

then you got another text from your mother "she's enrolling in UA this year... i don't know what to do y/n what do i tell her?"



"she's enrolling in UA."

"she's 15 there is no point on stopping her now just let it happen i don't think she'd go after her own family."


i texted my mom telling her to just let it happen and there is nothing we can do at this point.

she just accepted it and told me she'll talk to her later.

"you know it's like 1 in the morning we should go to bed."

i put my phone down a just nodded , dabi and i took a shower then went to bed.

as dabi fell asleep you stayed awake thinking about how mai is going to become a hero , it made you mad but glad you wanted her to pursue what she wanted to do.

what if she went against her own family ? i asked myself hoping i would be wrong.

only the future knows , before your mind could get anymore negative thoughts an arm wrapped around you.

"stop worrying i'll be here." dabi said tiredly , "i know but it's just-."

"y/n stop worrying about her she's going her own way , she deserves happiness and if her happiness is becoming a hero then let it be."

"you're right."

"i always am."

"oh shut up."

i turned around and faced the man that brought me so much happiness , your fingers slowly went through his black hair.

after a couple minutes your hands went to his face , i just laid there caressing his face it was perfect.

everything about him was , his personality , his face everything.

"i love you touya."

"i love you more y/n."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞
okay so basically mai had a age change ! yes she's now 15 instead of 12 .

also bakugou fanfic will be out later make sure you check it out if you want to of course!

one more thing ! shinsou fanfic is also out :)

word count : 560

Villains Dabi X Reader Where stories live. Discover now