Chapter 2- Valentine's day part 2

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I don't own the Powerpuff girls

Butch's POV

I finally did it. I kissed my best friend/enemy in front of the whole class! She beat me half to death but it was totally worth it. I seem to have come out alive because I can feel pain throughout my body. "Ugh. Where the hell am I?" I groaned as I slowly sat up the bed. All I could see were the white walls, a tv, and a small table beside the bed. I could hear a faint beeping sound. I looked to see the professor in his lab coat and buttercup being scolded. 'So I'm in the Utonium residence huh? That's funny, since I was beaten half to death by buttercup but I was also brought here in her house.'

I was brought out of my trance by buttercup's voice. " Hey butch, are you feeling any better? I mean I did beat you up pretty bad... but you did deserve it. You should be happy that I hadn't killed you... yet." She muttered the last part to herself but made sure that I heard it loud and clear. I gulped air, I heard it loud and clear and this seemed to amused her. 'This spicy counterpart of mine sure is dangerous. It's a good thing that I have powers or else I would have said goodbye to the world already.'

"As a punishment you will be taking care of butch until he gets better since you won't have anything to do. And that's what you get for beating up someone when your class is about to start." Professor stated. " Well, I'm off to buy groceries since I just finished my project. Oh and you can move him to your room so that you can relax while looking after butch. See you later. " Professor waved at buttercup and left. Well this is gonna be akward. When I say akward I mean really akward.

" So, I guess it's just you and me. How 'bout we go to my room, you lie in bed and I sleep on the floor. Or you just stay here and I bring over some snacks to eat while watching movies. Pick one. " She asked, she's still pissed. " Then I'll pick the latter. I guess?" I said. But I would have enjoyed staying in her room. She stood up and went to the kitchen, I think. After minutes of waiting, bc went back with the cookies that I ate earlier this morning, those extra batch of brownies that didn't get eaten yet, some potato chips and lots of sodas.

We spent hours on watching horror movies. She prepared me some lunch and we ate side by side since I couldn't really stand up or move my hands. Even sitting was painful but since this is the only chance I'll be getting to apologize, I didn't mind it. I would wince once in a while but besides that, I just sat there, staring at the screen, making comments every once in a while. I broke out my trance when I heard a soft yawn from beside me.

" Hey bc, are you sleepy? You can go back to your room now. I don't really need help in getting ready for bed." I said and smiled sheepishly. " No, it's ok. Besides I promised professor that I would take care of you." She said sleepily. Her eyes started to droop so I layed her down next to me. I turned off the tv and layed down next to the sleeping green eyed girl with my arms wrapped around her. Not like she would suddenly wake up. I let her sleep as she slightly bit her lip and said, " Don't cook...kies..." before drifting off to sleep again.

~Timeskip because I'm hungry~

I woke up the next day with buttercup still asleep. I looked at her face, she looks so peaceful sleeping beside me. It's like she enjoys my company even when asleep. I was snapped out of my trance when I realised that buttercup was stirring lightly, looking uncomfortable. 'I wonder what's wrong?' She eventually opened her eyes only to see me hugging her. I shut my eyes closed as she muttered something. " How can someone be so cute when asleep?" I can feel her smiling.

She kissed my forehead and tried to leave bed as soon as possible. But when she was about to leave, I hugged her even tighter. 'This is gonna end up bad and I'm sure of it...' I expected the same old punch to hit me but it didn't. " What's with you? Hey, are you in pain? Is anything amiss? " She asked, putting a hand over my forehead like she didn't say anything earlier about me being cute. " Hey, I know you're awake already. Are you supposed to be asleep?" She asked. She kinda has known me for years now, like how my brothers' know how I act.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at buttercup. I let out a nervous chuckle as I scratch the back of my head. " Hey butters, nice seeing you here?" I said. I knew that I would end up getting caught by her. But the problem is not really about her beating me up, it's about me apologizing. If this is how it is then so be it. All I need is to muster up my courage to apologize to her. I looked at buttercup only to see her spaced out. " Um butter -grumble grumble." I felt my cheeks heat up.

'Why did you have to remind me that I haven't ate yet. Stupid stomach, way to ruin my chance.' I thought grumpily." Are you that hungry?" Buttercup said making me even more flustered. I let go of her. She turned around and went to the kitchen and made breakfast for today. I seem to be healing pretty fine for the time being, in about a day or two, I'd be walking around like nothing happened. I'm really hungry right now but you know what they say "no pain, no gain."; who cares anyway?


Well that's the end of this chapter. My tests are coming up so I'm gonna be updating when it's over. How did it go? Does it suck? Hope you enjoyed.

Fun fact: I really love eating

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