Chapter 5- Are you guys dating?

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Heya! It's a new chapter. Read if you want, don't read if you don't want to.
I don't own the Powerpuff girls

Buttercup's POV

'I shouldn't have said that to them. I'm starting to regret the decisions I've made up till now. Oh god, why did I even say that?! Now that I think about it, why did I even say babe in the first place? Even better, why did I beat him up when he kissed me. That was only once, I mean, I did kiss him when we were kids but that was a kiss on the cheek and wasn't even serious. A kiss on the lips that held no feeling can't be called a serious one, right? Why am I thinking about my kiss with butch?!' I thought.

" Um, buttercup? What's wrong? You look kind of red." Butch said, voice filled with worry. " I'm fine. Just worried about stuff." I said trying to avoid a conversation that would lead to things I am thinking about. " You know you're getting redder by the minute." He teased. " I don't care. Just don't be too close anymore. No hugs, no talks about dating, no free lunch and no more nicknames." I said, trying not to think about the kiss. " Oh come on! At least remove one of the no. Please. Just this once." He pleaded, putting his hands together. 'Putting his hands together, so cute. Wait, dang it. What am I thinking about?!'

" Fine. What do you want me to remove?" I said, decided to give in. " Thanks. Wait a second, let me think about it." He said. 'I bet a half of my chocolates that he would pick the free lunch. I mean who wouldn't?' I thought, small smile creeping to my face. " I think I'll choose the nickname. That way I would be able to call you what I want." He grinned, I frowned. Why did he pick the nickname? Now I will have to give my chocolates. 'Stupid idiot.' I thought. " Are you sure that's what you want? You can have a free lunches you know?" I asked. " Yes, I'm sure." Butch said.

" Fine, fine. Since that's what you want then don't regret it. " I shrugged. " Thanks, babe. I definitely won't regret it." He said. " Gosh, I hate you." I said, very annoyed.
" Sure, I love you too." He said without a thought. " Wait, what did you say?" I stared at him wide-eyed. " Nothing you need to worry about." He panicked. " Hey bc!" A voice said. Well, shouted actually. I turned around and saw mitch and robin. " Hey, mitch and robin. What's up?" I greeted. " The sky is." Mitch sarcastically answered.
" Wow, isn't that great?" Butch said sarcastically.

" So, how was your Valentine's, robin? Anything good happen?" I asked, I am a girl after all. I wanted something useful for blackmail. " It was very sweet. Mitch gave me roses and chocolates. Speaking of chocolates, did you give butch any?" She asked. " Nope. Why should I?" I asked. I knew where she was heading. Why not just play along? And if things get out of hand, I will make up an excuse. It's that easy. " Because he's your soon to be boyfriend." She answered eagerly. " And how soon is that?" I asked slighty amused with her answered.
" Very soon. And I am sure of it." She answered smirking. " Wanna bet?" I asked. " Sure! I bet my allowance for the whole week that it'll happen." Robin said. 'Tsk tsk tsk. You never know if you will win or not. You have to learn from the expert.'

" Then mine will be free lunch for a whole week for you and mitch, that it will never happen." I said. " Game on!" Robin said enthusiastically. "Well, I'm off to work now." I said. " You actually work?" Mitch asked. " Yup. Professor gave me this work because I was sent home from school because I beat up someone." I said looking at butch. " My work is to look after this thing and then I will be able to go back to school. I guess." I elbowed butch. " So, you guys. I have a serious question. Are you guys really not dating?" Mitch questioned.

" No we aren't. And if we do start dating that will be the day I give you lunch, free of charge." I said. " Well, I can't wait for that to happen." Mitch said. " Well, we're going now. Bye!" Robin said happily. " Well let's get going then." Butch said. He hasn't been talking much since mitch and robin showed up. Except for the whole greeting exchange. I nodded. Then we started walking again. I think we passed some students from school. Until Janne with her sister walked up to us. " Hey, buttercup, butch. Can I ask you two something?" Janne asked.

" Hey janne. Ask whatever you want." I said. I saved these two back then when they were about to get run over by a truck. She's got a long name. " Well, why's he here with you?" Ember asked. " I'm taking care of him." I answered. " Ok, Next question. Butch, do you have anyone you like?" Janne asked. " I have someone I like but she treats me like a friend." Butch answered bitterly. " Oh my. My little boy's growing up. You actually have someone you love. But sadly you were rejected." I teased him. There was this part of me that felt sad when I heard he liked someone. But just like I what I do when I blush, I shook it off.

" I was not rejected! I haven't even confessed my feelings yet!" He crossed his hands in front of him. " Are you sure? Maybe you confessed but she hasn't responded yet." I teased. I seem to have hit the nail on the head because he looked nervous . " Ok, that's enough you two. This will be the last question I guess..." Janne said. " You have to answer this question honestly." Ember said in a serious tone. " Are you guys dating?" The both of them asked. I don't know why but I blushed. " W-why would you ask that? Of course we're not!" I answered, red in the face. " Yeah, we're not dating. But I do want that to happen." Butch said like it was nothing. I turned redder than I was earlier.

" Let's go, Ember. Our work here is done. See you guys at school, I guess." Janne waved to us goodbye. " That was interesting." Butch said. " Let's head back now. And this time let's fly to avoid anymore distractions." I took his hand and took off flying back to the house.

Finally finished this chapter!
Hope you enjoyed it! I am very thankful to those who are reading this story. May you have a good day. Or night.

Fun fact : I like being me.

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