Chapter 4- Spending time at the park

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I don't own the Powerpuff girls.


Butch's POV

" I'm ready for the park. Are you finished yet?" I hear buttercup say. " Sure, I guess." I shrugged. I didn't really want to leave the house. I'm too lazy to. But since she wants to go, I've got no choice. " Why are we going to the park again?" I asked. It was the second time I asked her. " I ran out of ideas on what to do inside the house. And I usually take a walk around the park when I have time to." She answered calmly. " So, we're going to take a walk because it's part of your routine." I said, I didn't need to hear her answer. Of course she'd say yes. Even I agree that it's getting boring staying inside the house.

" Yup. It's been boring staying in the house." She said and I sighed. " Then let's go now! I can't wait to go outside and see what I've been missing out since yesterday." I hurriedly went to the door and opened it wide. " Ladies first." I bowed playfully. " Thank you kind sir." She said, laughing lighty. We both went out, locking the door in the process. We set off to the park, with a few snacks in her lime green duffel bag." Hey, what's in the bag?" I asked, although I know that the bag has food, I don't know what specifically." Why do you want to know? You can just check it by x-ray vision." She said in a matter of fact tone. Can't blame her though, even I find myself stupid in some ways.

I checked what's inside the bag and I was shocked to see it full of chocolates. 'Eating this many chocolates might be a little too much.' " Hey, I know what you're thinking. But I can't help it. I just like to eat chocolates, and there's nothing you can do about it." She said. I knew that she'd defend the chocolates. It is, after all, her favorite sweets. 'Maybe that's why we're going to the park. We're going to eat it, then take a walk so that she won't worry about getting fat.' I thought. " You are a girl." I said without thinking and got a punch on the face. " What do you mean 'are a girl' ? Of course I am! Do I look like a boy to you?!" She yelled angrily. 'That hurt. It will definitely leave a bruise.' I thought. " Ow. What the hell, man? That hurt like hell." I complained, rubbing my left cheek in pain.

" Serves you right, babe. Ha! Hear that? I got you a new nickname! Cause you're a little baby. Always whining and complaining. Like a baby!" She teased. 'Babe and baby, huh? It has a nice ring to it. But also very insulting by its reason.' I thought. " Shut it, butterbutt! At least I have experience in dating!" I shouted, pretending to be mad. " Oh yeah? Well at least I don't date tramps!" She shouts back just as mad. But her anger was definitely real. We fell silent after that. We stayed like that until we arrived at the park. We walked around, very silent. Until I broke the silence. It was just too awkward.

" Look. I'm sorry, okay? Come on, don't be angry." I pleaded. I just couldn't take it anymore. " So, you finally know where you were wrong? That's good, but I won't be giving you anymore chances when you pull that joke up again. You hear me?" Buttercup threatened, she's really pissed. " I swear on mojo's name, that if I were to pull that crap out again, I, butch jojo, will willingly become your first boyfriend." I said, half joking. " Haha. Very funny butch. I don't need a boyfriend. Not now anyways." She said sarcastically at first but mummbled the last part.

" So, what are we gonna do? Are we gonna eat now or walk around some more?" I asked. 'I really wanted to eat chocolates. I didn't get a chance to get any chocolate this Valentine's day. But at least I got to kiss buttercup. And she still thinks we're friends. We're supposed to be just friends.' I thought bitterly. " We should eat for now then continue walking later." She said. " Yeah, I agree with you. I'm hungry already." I whispered to her ear. She flinched from the action. I hugged her from behind because it's fun to tease her.

" Hey butch!" I heard a familiar high pitched voice from behind me shout. " Dude, let me go or I'll break every bone in your body." Buttercup threatened me. She looked like she would destroy the whole park. She was very red from either anger or embarrassment. " Hey sis! Are you out on a date with butch??" Now I know who this is, it was bubbles with my brother, boomer. " Oh hi bubbles. We're not out on a date. We're out to take a walk in the park with chocolates to eat." She smiled. " Are you sure you're not dating?" Bubbles questioned teasingly. " Yes, bubbles. I'm sure." Buttercup answered. " Then why is butch hugging you?" Boomer said, joining in on the teasing.

I quickly removed my hands from buttercup. And shouted at boomer. " That was because I was teasing her!" " No need to shout." Boomer said. " Wait. Why are you guys here? Isn't there class?" Buttercup asked. She was right. Classes were still ongoing at this time of the day. " There are no classes today, buttercup. Today is Saturday." Bubbles giggled. Oh. I thought it was still Friday. So yesterday was Friday. I wonder where brick is. Haven't seen him in a long while. " Oh, you're right. But why was the house empty? You guys weren't there when I woke up." Buttercup said.

" We were out on a date. A double date to be exact." Boomer answered. " Does that mean that brick is here too?" I asked. " Yeah, they are way way over there." Bubbles pointed to the restroom. 'I guess he really is a gentleman.' " Why aren't you guys dating yet? You guys are perfect for each other." Bubbles asked while buttercup reddened. " Bubbles we're just friends, okay? Besides, he's been bragging about his dating experience with tramps. I am not dating someone like him." Buttercup answered. At this I reddened too. We were as red as brick's cap now.

" Hey guys! Oh, hi buttercup." Blossom greeted. " You guys on a date?" Brick asked. It's the second time today. " Sadly no." I answered without thinking again. I forgot that buttercup was here. She must have heard what I said. I looked behind me to see the girls teasing buttercup. That's a relief. I thought I was gonna get punched again. I sighed. " Well, I offered to be her boyfriend. And she said that she didn't need one. Yet." I said. " Then just force her or blackmail her." Brick said, trying to help me. " That won't work. It's buttercup we're talking about. Not some random girl." I said. " Well, I guess you're right. I didn't really needed to use those tactics because my counterpart accepted my offer to be my girlfriend." Boomer bragged.

~with the girls~

" What were you guys doing before we showed up?" Blossom asked curiously. " Yeah, we want to know." Bubbles said. " We did the usual. Eat breakfast, play video games, eat the same lunch, fight about dating experience and walking around. Why?" Buttercup said. " Are you sure that was it?" Bubbles asked. " Fine. No, that wasn't all. Before we went to the park, he asked me to take a bath with him and change clothes with him. Before we were fighting, I called him babe. Then when we were fighting earlier, he offered to be my boyfriend." Buttercup answered.

" You didn't accept his offer?" Blossom asked. " Nope. Why would I? I'm not looking for a boyfriend." Buttercup said. " Oh please. Buttercup. We've been waiting for this day to come and you didn't accept it?! You even called him babe!!" Bubbles screamed. " What are trying to say? That I should date butch? No way in hell! I'm not dating anyone for the time being, ok? Just accept my decision." Buttercup pleaded. " But the students that ships you two have been going crazy these days." Bubbles insisted. " No means no, ok. Come on butch, we're leaving." Buttercup shouted, enough for him to hear.

Finally finished chapter 4!
I'm not updating this story for a while. It's getting busy. I don't have time for making chapters so please understand.
Hope you enjoyed!

Fun fact : I don't have experience when it comes to dating. And I'm proud of it.

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