Chapter 20: The date

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Buttercup's POV

I hurriedly finished eating breakfast and headed up to my room. I was about to check my phone when I remembered that I didn't have one.

I internally scolded myself for destroying the building that had my phone in it. How would I know that I left it? But it's also butch's fault for not telling me earlier. I could've gone easy on it if I'd known my phone was there.

Back at the matter at hand, I made my way to the bathroom. I got undressed and took my time on the bath. Afterwards, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out the door.

I hummed a song as I dressed myself in my undergarments. Then proceeded to find me something to wear.

After getting dressed, I went out of the room and headed to the living room and watched a little tv before butch finally arrived in all of his glory.

"You finally arrived!" I sighed exasperatedly. He grinned and asked, "are you ready for the date of your life?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm excited." I said in a bored tone, grinning sarcastically at him. I held out my hand in a way rich girls does to their suitors or something and he kissed the backside of my hand which made me blush furiously.

I quickly pulled my hand away from him and looked away. "I h-hadn't meant it that way when I did that! You idiot!" I shouted. He chuckled and pulled me up. I turned the tv off and we made our way to the front door.

Butch's POV

When we got out of the house, I quickly flew off to the mall with her hand in mine. At first she was startled but quickly regained her senses and flew beside me.

She smiled, a small blush on her cheeks made her look even more beautiful than she already was.

When I kissed her hand, I could feel the light shiver that gone through her but she seemed to have not noticed it. Her blushing face looked cute.

Before I knew it, the mall was at sight. We landed on the front of the mall despite her wanting to crash through the glass windows to get in easier.

"Since we're on a "date", you have to pay for everything I buy." She said and I chuckled.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say," I answered. She tightened her grip on my hand and sprinted through the crowd and entered the mall without any inspection, whatsoever.

First, I bought her a new phone because she seemed to miss her now deceased phone. And I also bought me one too.

After buying her a phone, we went around laughing at each kids' faces we passed by. We went to the movies and watched that new horror movie.

Then we went to the bowling alley and competed on who would win.

Halfway through our game, a robbery took place on a nearby bank.

"What the heck?" I groaned. This robbery is clearly not part of our date.

"First one there can do one thing they want to the other." She grinned mischievously.

"You're on!" I sent her a grin of my own and immediately flew off to the bank.

She got there first and I could only sigh. She's way too used to this that she pretty much won the race.

I got there two seconds after she arrived and she was beating up the remaining two of their group.

I sighed and took the group of five robbers and sent them to jail. When I got back to bc she was eating a chocolate ice cream.

"Welcome back." She greeted which got me taken aback.

"Yeah." I answered and stared at her. She just stared back at me while eating her ice cream. After finishing her ice cream, she stood up and went to the washing area of the café. When she got back, she pulled me out of the café. "Let's go then." She said.

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