Special chap!

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This is a special chapter because the story seems to be lots of parts that needs explaining or maybe plot holes? I don't know. Who agrees with me? No one?

The chapter begins at the start of the story. Something like some behind the scenes or 'what-if' situations. With that aside, let's get on with the story!!


Feb. 13...

Buttercup yawned. "Guys, I'm going to sleep now. Make sure to lock the doors. The windows, too. And close the blinds. Also, check up on Professor. Make him coffee if he still wants to work. Help him out with the project if needed. Don't-"

"Stay up too late." Blossom added.

"We know, we know. You told that to us many times already. So don't worry too much and go to bed." Bubbles smiled.

"Ok. That's great then-" yawn "I'm going to bed first now. Night."

Blossom nodded and Bubbles said a quick good night.

1 hour of matchmaking plans with blossom later...

"I'm going to sleep now bloss. Night." Bubbles flew upstairs and passed bc's room. Seconds later, bubbles flew back in front of bc's room and went in.

She was going to mess up with buttercup's alarm clock and get away with a ready-made excuse.

She took the clock and set it to 5 am. That would be the time they would be making brownies for Valentine's.

She giggled and silently slipped away from the room. "I hope you're ready for matchmaking."

Next day after blossom's perfect acting...

Bubbles just got out of the bathroom and slipped on Mr. Octi. Her high-pitched scream rang loudly through the currently silent house.

Not long after, buttercup barged in, asking if she got hurt and why she was on the floor.

After Buttercup left, she sighed in relief and looked at the window. She almost screamed again but held it in. She saw a poster of a horror movie.

"This must be what they call karma. I shouldn't mess with Buttercup anymore."

BLOOPERS!!! \(•w•)/

Chapter 1

Buttercup looked at the hand on her waist and knew it was Butch. She hastily turned around and hit his nose with her forehead.

"Ow man! What the hell? You want me to become the next sphinx?" (Butch touches his nose)

"..." (Buttercup)

"?" (Butch)

"What do you mean?" (Bc sings like a drunk person singing beiber's song)

"WTH man!? *wheeze*" (Butch laughing uncontrollably)

Chapter 3

Butch's bath time...

"Where's the towel! I'm freezing here! Hurry it up will you!" (Butch)

"Shut it, nitwit! I'm looking for clothes!" (Bc goes to her room and got a loose dress for butch while snickering)

"Just hurry up and give me clothes! It doesn't matter if it's a dress or whatever! Just give me clothes!" (Butch)

Bc arrived with a green dress. Loose enough for butch to wear. "Damn you..."

Chapter 5

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