Chapter 14- Party disaster part 1

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I do not own the Powerpuff girls. They belong to the one who made the series...

Butch's POV

As you all know, there's a party going on tonight held by the Utoniums and that means I'm going! Professor will surely have them wear a dress because it's a party concerning his experiment and people with high status are also invited which includes the mayor, miss bellum and some other rich people.

It was time for soccer practice but there wasn't much people there. Just me and buttercup. Or maybe I just got the day of our practice wrong. " Hey, bc! I'm going to the party later so try not to be hard on me, k?" "Hmph! Just because you're going to the party doesn't mean I need to go easy on you." She smirked and kicked a ball to my direction.

" Hey, watch it! I don't want a bruise on my face!" I shouted as I caught the ball. " Ha! You scared that I'll bruise your face? What are you? A girl?" Buttercup laughed mockingly. " Stop laughing! Or else." I threatened. Buttercup walked up to me and she was now in front of me. We stood there, me glaring and she smiling mockingly. " Or else what? You gonna beat me up?" Buttercup smirked. " You're not laughing anymore so why should I say it?" I shrugged.

" Oh, come on! Just tell me, I'm not going to beat you up for no reason y'know?" Buttercup insisted. " Stop prying into it. I not gonna tell you no matter what." I said. She pouted her lips and when I saw her pout I just wanted to kiss her so badly but I didn't. Not yet anyway. I was too busy with my thoughts that I didn't notice that buttercup was yelling at me. " Butch, just what are you doing?!" I snapped out of my thoughts and stared at her. " What do you mean 'what am I doing'? I'm not doing anything." I answered, earning a glare from her.

" You were trying to kiss me!" She screamed and started struggling to get away from me. " Well, I'm sorry for trying to kiss you. Not." I tightened my grip on her waist and pulled her closer. Right when I was about to kiss her, her phone went off. I glared at her phone while she sighed in relief. " Hello? I'm with butch... yeah... ok... I'll be there... bye, love you!" " Who was that?" I growled. " Doesn't matter. More importantly, we need to go. The party's starting soon and we don't have soccer practice today." She deliberately avoided my question.

" Tsk. Fine." I grumbled and let her go. I went to my locker and took my bag with me and left school.

At the party...

I was waiting with my brothers for the party to "officially" start when some annoying girls went up to our table. " Hi there. Care to join us at our table?" A blondie in a red dress said seductively, running her hands on boomer's chest. " Sorry but we're waiting for our girls and can you take your hands off me, my girlfriend wouldn't like the thought of someone touching me." Boomer removed the girl's hands off him. This made me laugh. " How about you, handsome? Wanna have a drink with me?" A brunette, wearing a black dress that's too short for her own good, winked at brick. Brick hadn't said anything yet when another brunette pulled the two girls away, apologizing while dragging the two away. I let out a sigh of relief.

I was looking around the venue when my eyes landed on a certain blondie." Hey, boom. Looks like someone is hitting on your girl." I said and he shot up from his seat to look around and when he spotted them he walked up to them, electric on the tips of his fingers. Well, that went well. I looked around again since bubbles is already here,that means the other two are here now too.

I was caught off guard when someone hugged me from behind. I looked at the hands that was engulfing me in a hug. I looked behind me and gaped at who I saw. It was buttercup. " Uh, hi?" I greeted awkwardly. " Help me out with this one. I can't beat him up right now. Everything is shaking." She whispered. " Ok." I stood up and had her lead me to them.

I told the professor that buttercup was not feeling well. Their house was far so I got a room at the venue. I put her down on the bed and removed her heels for her. " I'm going back to the party now, so rest up and go down when you're feeling better." I said after tucking her in. " Thanks, I guess. But is it just me or is it hot in here." She said. I raised a brow at her statement. " It's just you. Do you want the temperature to be cooler?" I asked.
The room wasn't hot at all, it was the right temperature to say the least.

" Sure. Just a bit though." Buttercup said and motioned for me to get closer. I did as she ordered and went closer. " Stay here for a bit." She whispered. I pulled away from her and just nodded. I took out my phone and sent a message to my brothers saying, " I'll be back later. I'm with bc right now."

I took a seat beside the bed and stared at her back. As if feeling my gaze on her, she turned around and stared back at me and our little game of staring contest began. After what felt like minutes which was actually just few seconds, I looked at her lips that looked so inviting and without a thought, I kissed her on the lips and surprisingly, she kissed back. I pulled away from the kiss and stared at her wide-eyed.

" What just happened?" I asked, dumbfounded at what she did. " Just a gift for you because you helped me out with that bastard. I was talking to my sisters when he injected something, that I suspect as antidote X, in me. And in the end, bubbles and blossom were dragged into the fight." She answered with a shrug. " So that was why someone was hitting on her. Welp, gotta go back to the party. Bye." I stood up from the chair and went to the door. " Message me when you need something. And lock the door." I said and went out the room, locking the door.


I didn't get to update this chapter earlier because HayuChan5 decided that I color some pages on a coloring book that she bought for me (don't judge) and the girl in the coloring book ended up looking like a clown. HayuChan5 is my twin sister if some of you don't know. And I decided to not write the other two books that I mentioned last chapter. This book is hard work already and because I'm lazy.That's all and thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Fun fact: A friend of mine thinks I'm crazy...

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