Prom night/End

340 18 12

Buttercup's POV

"Yes. Yes, I will."

"To celebrate, let's take a selfy!"

He grabbed me and pulled me close. He snapped a picture and checked it. It looked bad! I had my eyes closed and my face was all scrunched up. There was some chocolate on my cheeks and you can just imagine how bad it looked!

"Hey! Delete that! It looks really bad!" I said trying to snatch the phone from his hand but he was quick to move his hand out of the way and I hit his *cough cough* male part *cough cough* and he dropped the phone.

I quickly snatched the phone and deleted it. I went to the ladies restroom and washed my face there. I wiped the water off my face with a my handkerchief and went back to our table.

He was still brooding about what happened. I felt a little guilty since I hit him on a private part...

"Hey..." I quietly called out to him. He looked at me with those beautiful pained eyes, probably from me hitting it.

"I didn't hit it that hard, did I?" I asked. He looked really hurt. He looked like he would cry any minute.

He sadly shook his head. This slightly irritated me. If he has a problem he has to voice it out or I'll never get it!

"What, is your problem?" I hissed. He looked at me and sighed sadly.

"It's just that you didn't like the idea of me taking a selfy with you..." He pouted. I was speechless. I thought he would have already been yelling about earlier that he wouldn't be able to reproduce or something.

"Oh. I thought that I hit you so hard that you couldn't speak anymore." I teased. He laughed and shook his head lightly with tears rolling down his cheek.

"I'm going to pay for our food. Wait for me outside, ok?" He said and stood up, wiping the tears with his hand.

"Yeah, sure." I answered and went out, not forgetting to bring the bags with the things we bought. The money used to pay the dress was mine, obviously.

After paying, he went out and we flew back home. Well, my home, of course. Not his.

"Bye butch." I was about to step in when he grabbed my wrist.

I turned around. With a sigh, I asked him what is it. He grinned with a mischievous glint on his eyes. He pulled me in for a peck on my lips and hurriedly flew to mojo's lair. Breaking the roof of mojo's lair in the process.

I was left there with a flushed face, standing still. I was gonna stay a while longer when I heard squealing.

I whipped my head to the source of the irritating squeals and saw my sisters and robin standing in front of the garage. The squealing was mostly done by bubbles and robin.

I quickly regained my senses and made a run for my room. When I got there, I locked the doors, windows and curtains blocked the view. I made a barricade on the door using my study table, that I apparently don't use much, closet, hamper, night stand, a chair, and the bed.

This could at least last longer than just a locked door. Is what I would like to think because I knew better.

Five seconds haven't even passed yet, when my window's glass was suddenly shattered and on the floor.

"So, did you have fun?" Asked a very hyper bubbles.

"Yes, bubbles. Now get out of the room!" I pushed her out of my already shattered window and covered it with wooden boards. 'Next time maybe I should put the barricade on the window.'

Prom Night || BUTCHERCUPWhere stories live. Discover now