Chapter 18- Let's end this! part 2

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Hi kids!

I'm back! Did you miss me? I doubt that. Anyway, I'm going to end this in 2 or more chapters. So please enjoy! Also, a good morning to you! Comments are highly appreciated. This chapter is not edited. Please bear with me...


Butch's POV

"Did you just say what I think you just said?"

"Wha- what do you mean? I didn't say anything!" She stuttered out looking away from me, blushing all the while.

"You said I love you too, didn't you? Admit it. You love me." I teased. "No, I don't!" She denied all too quickly. "Then why are you blushing?" I teased further. "Because, I have a fever!" She's getting redder by the minute.

"Yeah, sure you are." I said poking her cheek.

"Your 15 minutes was up 30 minutes ago. Where have both of you been?" An overly familiar voice said.

Standing in front of us was dorkster. The height is definitely his and judging by his tone, he's angry.

"Geez, way to ruin the moment." I grumbled and shoving my hands in my pockets. "I- we- I got lost." She lied looking away.

"Uh-huh. Come in. We're doing a recap on the plan." He left the door open for us.

I shrugged and went in before bc. I sat down next to boomer, leaving her to close the door.

After minutes of talking about the plans and making plans from a-z, we finally left.

~Timeskip brought to you by your least favorite person!~

After the fight...

Red. Everything was red. A quarter or so of the city engulfed in flames.

Bc and me are inside a building glaring at that sneaky bastard while boom and girly was off evacuating some stupid enough people that didn't leave and are stuck in certain places.

Brick and pinkie are, well, destroying leftover metal scraps that mandork call robots. And dorkster... is well, releasing stress on mandork.

The fight ended quite nicely though.

Oh, you want me to fill in the details? That's expected since the author did a timeskip.


Ok, so we are out the building right now. Mandark and some bunch of losers with robots and crap are destroying town and taking hostages or something like that.

There's a robot right in front of bc and me and I am just going to tell you what's happening. So, boom and girly are over there getting some hostages. That may have sounded wrong but they are actually saving the hostages.

Brick and pinkie are- "SHIIIIIIIII-"

You might be wondering what happened but isn't it obvious? ... Okay, maybe not.

I was thrown to the robot in front and instantly made a hole in it but it didn't stop there.

I hit the gangreen gang, mojo, fuzzy, sedusa, boomer, then the one with the hostage earlier, a bunch more robots before I hit brick.

We were a giant ball of villains. Sadly, brick will be the one taking most impact since I hit him last.

Worst case scenario, is that he will get really angry and destroy this part of the city and end up breaking up with pinkie then force us to break up with them and bc and me aren't even a thing yet!

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