Chapter 17- Weird things happen...

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Buttercup's POV

"Ok, everyone, since this all happened because these two..." he said and looked at me and butch accusingly before adding, "decided to get me locked up, you lot will have to comply to me."

"Yeah, sure. Like that'll happen." Butch answered sarcastically. He rolled his eyes with his hands crossed on his chest.

"You're acting like a girl, butch." I said in a teasing tone. "Which part of my perfect self, looks like a girl?" He joked.

"I said you're acting like one, not look like one." I said. "PMS? You don't seem to take my jokes well." He asked with a raised brow.

"Do you even know what that means?" Before butch could respond, blossom cut him off. "That's enough you two. We're here to make plans, not talk back to each other." I shut up and sat down next to bubbles because she's my favorite sister. I used to punch her and well, she's not bossy.

The three of them, started discussing to each other as I let out an exasperated sigh and continued to wait. "Stupid nerds." I muttered to myself but luck wasn't on my side because butch heard it.

He leaned over (he sat beside me) and whispered, "Last time I checked, nerds aren't stupid." My face heat up, to my dismay, from embarrassment of getting caught saying stuff that doesn't make sense. Speaking nonsense is not my thing, it's boomer's.

Our little convo wasn't left unnoticed. Everything we did was labeled as flirting and it seems to have been entertaining for the blues.

"What are you looking at!" I said and glared daggers at her and Mr. Boyfriend over there. She just smiled and continued their previous conversation which made butch smirk at his work.

"And you. Stop it with your... whatever you're doing. And stop eavesdropping on convos-" "And who were you talking to?"

"That's none of your business."

"I'm your soon to be boyfriend, what's wrong with that?"

I let out yet another sigh. "You are impossible." I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Impossibly gorgeous." He winked and grinned at me.

"I hate you." I said. "Love you too." He answered and I blushed furiously when he pulled me close to him and placed a kiss on my cheek.


He stopped and I sighed in relief. He glared at dexter for ruining his... chance, maybe? I don't know if that's how I should describe it.

"We'll finish this later." He whispered and I scoffed still blushing. "There won't be any later." He shrugged and kissed my temple. I glared at him for the umpteenth time tonight.

"Anyways, back to the planning, we've decided to go ambush him and send him to the cops for being an idiot to cause trouble because of his jealousy towards me living on the same house as my sister." He explained.

"Wow, great plan." I clapped my hands sarcastically. "Your sarcastic remarks are not needed. If you do not want to take part, I suggest you leave." He said and I left it as it is.

"Fine. I'm sowwy." I mocked. He glared at me and I shrugged. "Seriously. I'm sorry." I apologized insincerely and with a smile.

Dexter sighed and grumbled some incoherent words. (I'm working on my vocabulary. Getting dumber by the minute. :I)

"When do we strike?" I asked. He checked his wristwatch to see what time it was. "Exactly two hours from now." He answered and I grinned. "Thanks, shortie." I said and decided to hurry up and look for some pants and shirts. "I'm heading out be back in 15 minutes!" I waved my hand and left for the souvenir shop at the venue. No one was at sight because they evacuated.

I took a shirt that was hanging for display and some shorts that they had for rent to those who brought "prohibited" clothes for swimming. I didn't think that anyone was there and the a fuse was definitely broken when we fought against mandark's robot. I slowly unzip my dress when suddenly, hands were on my shoulder. I involuntarily shuddered at the touch.

"Who's there?" I asked, cautiously. I saw at the corner of my eye that it was butch. " Oh, it's just you." I sighed in relief knowing that it's him not some perverted creep. "Why are you here?" I asked. Because 1) he is supposed to be with those five, 2) he is way more dangerous than the ace and his gang and 3) I think I'm starting to like him.

"Because I am here." He answered, burying his face on my shoulder and I face-palmed blushing. "You know that's not helping." I said as he wrapped his hands on my waist and I could tell that he's bending down to match my height. Damn tall boy.

I removed his hands from my waist and I did it successfully. But weird things happen and now his hands are now on my shoulders sliding it up and down my arms. Crap, I'm getting goosebumps. "Um... Dude, this is not funny. Take your hands off me and stay away." I threatened. He blew on my ear which made me flinch. "And what if I don't?" He whispered, his lips brushing my ear. I blushed like crazy when it did.

"Damn! If you don't get it then let me help you with that." I elbowed butch, still red in the face. "Ouch! Dude, I'm just joking. Don't take it to heart. Let me help you with that?" He asked when he saw the zipper at the back of my dress. "Sure, why not." I shrugged and he unzipped the dress. 'Why am I letting him undress me?! Well, he's just helping me unzip the dress but still, this is too much for me! Especially when his fingers accidentally brush my skin, his breath fanning my neck and his touch. What was I thinking?!' I inwardly cursed at myself for being so stupid for allowing him to do so.

I quickly undressed and put on the shirt and shorts that I took earlier, not minding that butch is there with me, watching with mindful eyes. I put the money on the counter because this would be considered stealing if I don't pay. We went back together with his hand on my waist and me leaning on him, with the dress on my hand and the other on his waist.

While we were slowly going up the stairs taking our time, and I start wondering about his advances towards me. His behavior earlier was weird but things happen when you least expect it. And this heavy feeling I have every time he hugs me and when he kisses me and when he said he loved me that time. God knows what this feeling is. Maybe I don't just like him? Maybe I l-love him? Thinking about this makes me want to scream. This is all too much to take in!

"Why did I have to fall for him..." I grumbled blushing, while clenching a part of his shirt, making it crumpled. "Hm? What was that?" Butch asked and I regret saying it out loud. "Nothing, nothing! Just um... thinking of stuff! Yeah, stuff. Nothing to worry about!" I explained trying to get out of his grasp while he just tightened his grip. I sighed and let him be. "You know what?" I asked and he hummed in answer. "I love you too..." I blurted out without thinking.

"Wait- what?"



Hey guys! Short chapter, I know but aren't all of them? Great chapter right? Jk. Must be annoying that I always update short chapters right? Don't worry, I know. I think this chapter is op. You know out of place. The previous chapter was about the fight right? And now this chapter is about feelings. It doesn't make sense right?

Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night.
Anyone there?

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