Chapter 16- Let's end this! part 1

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I don't own anything.

Butch's POV

I was trying to process what I just saw. That's right, process. I thought I was hallucinating because I saw dorkster pointing his laser gun at bc. But I wasn't. I clearly heard how their conversation went and it ended with him saying his name. Dexter.

Then he shifted his gun to blossom. " And you, blossom. You knew who did it yet you didn't tell them. You let them arrest me. The one who helped!" Dexter clenched his fist. " I'm sorry, ok? I didn't get to tell them because he slammed me on a building! If you're going to blame someone, blame it on brick. He knew it too!" Blossom passed the blame to brick. And he shifted the gun to him.

" Oh, shut up! It was clearly bubbles' fault! She didn't need to save the garden. But nooo! She just had to do it!" Brick pointed at bubbles. And he shifted his gun. Again " Now, I'm the one at fault? It was boomer's fault for god's sake! I told him to tell them that they should find him but he didn't. Instead, he stayed behind. And there was only one kid to save but he just had to stay behind!" Bubbles exclaimed in anger, folding her arms and looked away. And again, he shifted his gun.

" And it's my fault now? It was clearly butch's fault! He didn't ask! He didn't bother to ask any of us! If you're going to blame someone, blame butch for being late." Boomer pointed at me. 'Oh God, why is this happening?' I thought as he shifted the gun towards me. " It's not my fault. Blossom called and she didn't explain anything to me! She just told me where the location is and to hurry up!" I shouted and we started arguing.


" Wish I had popcorn." A boy said. " Yeah. Me too." Buttercup said then there was silence. After minutes of silence buttercup asked, " So who are you?" " Mandark." " Hm, ok. So what are you doing here, mandark?" " I'm waiting for dexter. You know, he's gotten a lot of screen time for a side character." " Yeah, you're right about that. But I have a question. Why is your name mandark. Is it like a man and dark?" " Yeah, pretty much." " So you're like a villain?" " Yeah, I guess." Silence fell on them like a heavy curtain. After finally processing what he said, buttercup threw a punch toward his face and he hit a building.

Back to the ruffs, puffs and dexter...

" Hey, did you guys hear that?" I turned around when I heard the loud noise. " Of course we did. It was loud enough to have been heard to the next town." Bubbles said in a matter of fact tone. 'Well, that was a stupid thing to ask... everyone clearly heard it...' I rolled my eyes and went next to buttercup. " What was that?" I asked, waiting for the smoke to clear from the nearby building.

" It was mandark. You know, tall, wears glasses, black hair, lab coat and everything!" Buttercup explained. " That's not helping." I glared at her and she shrugged it off. " It's not my fault you don't know him. Since you were having fun arguing, I didn't feel the need to call for you guys and introduce you one by one." " Well then, you should have feel the need to!-" I argued back. " But like I said, I didn't. And now we're here fighting about something that's already done!" She yelled and lasers came out of her eyes, hitting mandark (as she says.)

" Serves ya right, sucker!" She yelled, while laughing loudly. Then a low chuckle was heard from in front of us. By this time, the others have already arrived behind us. " You think I would be knocked out with just that? Well, think again, small fries!" Mandark laughed maniacally. He was in a gigantic robot that kinda looked like him.

" Sorry kid, but if we were to think, you might as well think the world is ending." I put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her close. She rolled her eyes but was smirking. " Hey, you two! No PDA!" I heard boomer shout from behind. " Yeah! And you say you're not dating!" Bubbles added. " You don't need to flaunt your relationship! We already know!" Blossom inserted. " We saw you two kissing on the bed earlier! Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell the others!" Brick shouted. " They definitely know now because you keep shouting!" I shouted back.

" Enough with your chit chat or you'll be 10 feet under!" Buttercup glared at us one by one. But she had a point. We're facing a giant robot with an idiot for a pilot. Just great. This will be easy. With all six of us and adding dorkster, he'll be on the moon in no time.

I smirked. This is going to be fun. Brick gave us the signal for plan xy and the girls did the same. After defeating his giant robot there was nobody in it. No mandark anywhere. Which surprised us a bit. Only a robot look-alike mandark with its head twitching every once in a while. And a bag of laser guns and pictures of - holy crap - dee dee!

If you're wondering who she is, she's dorkster's sister. She's like bubbles but taller and way more carefree. Dexter says she's dumb and immature. He's not entirely right but not wrong either. She can be a little stupid. Ok, she's stupid but she's cool. But not as cool as me. I'm awesome!

As much as I want to talk about my awesomeness, we have a big problem. Like who would want to deal with a perverted stalker. I know I don't. I mean, Jesus Christ! He's a creep for god's sake! " If you're done spacing out, hurry up and follow." I hear dorkster say. I glared at him but followed.


Yay, another chapter. So, I know that it's Tuesday and last day of April and I said that I'll update next week Monday which was last week but writer's block hit me. And this happened. I know it's short but I don't care. So complain all you want. I'll listen. If you have questions, comment. If you want spoilers, comment. If you have requests, comment. I don't mind it really. Vote if you want. Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Gonna update later.

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