Chapter 7- Who did this?!

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I don't own the Powerpuff girls

Buttercup's POV

2 days later...

I woke up early. I looked at the time. '4 am huh?That's a new record.' I thought. I took a bath and started to get ready for school. After wrapping a towel around my body, I went out of the bathroom and locked the door. I wore a black shirt, and over it was a lime green hoodie. I put on some black pants and wore lime green shoes. After putting on some clothes, I slowly opened my door and went the kitchen. I cooked breakfast for today and prepared my lunch. Only my lunch though. I started eating breakfast, hoping that no one else was awake.

" Morning babe." And out of nowhere, butch appears. I nearly jumped out of my seat when I heard him but I just flinched. " What's for breakfast?" He asked. I looked up and saw butch in his pajamas that his brothers brought for him. His hair was a total mess, like he just wrestled a bear. I ignored him. He took a plate and sat in front of me. I hurriedly finished eating breakfast and took my plate and placed it on top of the sink. I went to the stairs, but stopped when I took the first step. " Good morning too, butch." I smiled a little. I quickly went to my room and closed the door.

" Well, that went well." I muttered to myself. " Hey butters." A high pitched voice said. I jumped from the door to near the window, I had my right hand on my chest, breathing heavily. When I saw bubbles and blossom I decided to calm down. " Princess, boss. What are you doing here?" I asked still recovering. 'That was creepy af.' " Oh, nothing.~" Blossom said smiling like a creep. " We just want to know when you're gonna answer butch's confession." Bubbles giggled. " Hold up. Where did you get his confessing to me from? Did he tell you guys?" I asked.

" Our boyfriends are his brothers so we got it from them." Blossom answered. " That's none of your business. Now get out of the room." I ordered them out. But since we are sisters, they're quite stubborn. But not as stubborn as I am. "Oh come on! At least tell me what you think?" Blossom pleaded. " Like I said, none of your business." I said glaring at them. " Just tell us what you think. Damn it!" Bubbles snapped. 'I guess I got too carried away.' " Chill, bubbles. No need to get angry." I said. " I don't know what to say, actually. Since confessions usually get answers, I will have to think of it. If my rejection were to break our friendship it would be a disaster." I explained.

" How important is your friendship with butch?" Blossom asked. " Well, it's just important in its own way. I don't really know why but I can't stop thinking about the times when we would fight as kids. But the most troubling part is when I kissed him on the cheek. And now all I could think about is how my first real kiss ended up with butch. My best friend/enemy was my first kiss and he had feelings for me. Do you know that feeling when you have to pick either of the two but you don't want to?" I asked. They shook their heads and I laughed slightly. " Of course you don't." I said.

" I don't know how you feel about him but he's a good guy." Blossom said defending butch's side. 'This is why I always lose when it comes to fighting with butch, blossom would usually defend butch and I would be the one to defend myself.' I thought to myself. " Well, isn't that great? Now get out of my room." Before she could retort, I pushed them out of the room. I flopped down my lime green bed and took off my shoes. I fell asleep immediately after that.


" Hey. Wake up. You're gonna be late." I felt someone slapping me gently. I opened one of my eyes and I saw butch. When I saw him, I immediately shot up and my forehead hit his chin. " Ow. What the hell, man? Why are you here?" I asked rubbing my forehead in pain. " We're gonna be late if you don't hurry up. We were left behind by them." He said. I looked at him and saw that his chin was red. " That must be painful. Are you okay? You can take the day off again if you want." I said. " I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." Butch said. " Stop lying." I said and realized the position we were in. He was on top of me.

" Why are you on top of me? Are you crazy or what?" I said to him, lightly blushing. " Well, I am crazy. Crazy for you." He said. I blushed madly. I tried to push him off me. He wouldn't budge. 'I guess this is what happens if you haven't into fights for a while.' " Why aren't you moving. Aren't you scared of detention?" I asked. 'I'm not. And that's for sure' I thought. " Where's my morning kiss?" He said. " Shut your trap." I said. This time I pushed him off forcefully. " Creep." Was all I said. I got out of bed and fixed it. I took my bag and phone then left the room with butch following behind me.

I took my lunch and flew to school. When we arrived, all of the students were looking at us. Then they started cheering for us, saying " Butchercup rules!" " They're finally dating!" " Our hard work has finally paid off!" " Butchercup is safe!" " They finally decided to date." I turned to butch. " Did you plan this?" I asked him. " No I didn't. I didn't plan anything. I swear to mojo!" Butch got his hands up shaking his head. 'So he is innocent. If he is then who planned this?' I looked around and saw Janne and Ember taking pictures. 'Maybe they know who did this.' I went to them and asked. " Do you know who did this?" I asked.

" We don't know. But as long as it's helping our school newspaper club work, it doesn't matter who." Ember said. I went back to butch, looking angry as hell. He paled when he saw me pissed and started to panic saying, " I didn't do anything I swear!" while slowly backing away. I grabbed his wrist and forcefully dragged him with me. That day we went to the park. I went around the park and kept on yelling, " Who the hell did this?!" I dragged butch everywhere I went.


Finally finished this chapter! Sorry for not updating. I'll update later, so please look forward to it! Thank you for reading. Bye!

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