Chapter 19- I'm a great husband material!

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Buttercup's POV

"OH COME ON!!" Butch shouted holding his head, looking up the sky.

"It's not a big deal, butch. It got destroyed, so what?" I shrugged. He's just being whiney.

"Don't you 'no big deal' me! It is a big deal! I forgot my damn phone! You left your phone there too! How do you not care?!" He grab hold of my shoulders and shook me.

'Wait. I left my phone? What does he mean by that?' I frantically (is that right?) checked my shorts for any signs of my phone. He's right. My phone was gone.

"M-my phone..." I started. I looked up to him and said, "My baby. It's... it's gone."

The others probably heard it and misunderstood me but I don't care. Let them think what they think.

"You're not the only one who lost her baby. I lost mine too!" Butch pointed himself.

"Well, mine is more important! She's the light in my life! You don't know how much I care for her!" I snapped.

"Really now? Then who bought her clothes?" (He meant the phone case.) He asked.

"I bought yours clothes too! And you said it was a gift so why would you even mention that now!" I retorted.

"Because it cost me a lot to buy it!" He yelled.

"You're not the only one who got no money that time!" And I yelled back.

"What's this about babies?" A voice interrupted.

We stopped and looked at the voice's direction. It was blossick. Get it? Blossom and brick? Anyone?

"What do you want, redhead?" I spat angrily, folding my arms on top of my chest. I saw butch do the same at the corner of my eye.

"I said what's this about babies?" Blossom said calmly. Emphasizing babies.

"Well, to answer your question, piss off. This is our problem, not yours." Butch said and made shooing gestures.

Brick seems to have been pissed when butch said that and was about to punch him but blossy held him back.

"Calm down, brick. I got this." Blossom said and that seemed to calm him down but he's clearly still annoyed.

"It's none of your business. This. Is our problem. Don't think you can poke your nose in our business when we don't." I answered and smirked when I saw that blossom is about to blow up.

"That's it! Bubbles, c'mere!" I chuckled at her choice of words. Everytime I don't tell her something and she gets angry and would use slang words or cuss at me and sometimes call bubbles to tell her.

And that's exactly what's happening right now.

"Yes, blossom?" Bubbles asked and skipped all the way here.

"This thing here wouldn't spill crap and it's about babies." She said angrily.

Bubbles looked at me then at blossom and laughed.

Blossom was shocked at first but regained her composure. "What're you laughin' at?!" Blossom said in a way that brick would say which made me stifle a laugh.

"Gosh! That was it? For a moment there, I thought that brick cheated on you and buttercup knows about it!" Bubbles joked.

Blossom's eyes widened in shock and then angrily yelled, "Pay attention!"

"Ok, ok. This problem about babies and clothes is simple and quite obvious that even boomer would know immediately just by hearing it!" Bubbles exclaimed.

"Hey! That was uncalled for!" Boomer yelled from the position he was in.

"Anyways, what's in it for me?" Bubbles asked.

"Anything you want."

"Yay! And the answer is... drum roll please!" She exclaim and boomer started hitting the drum as fast as he could.

"What's with the drum roll? And where did he get the drum?" Butch asked.

"It's for suspense. Aren't you guys excited?" She answered with a grin, ignoring the second question also.

Boomer stopped and bubbles announced, "About their phones! Super easy, right?!" She beamed jumping up and down.

"That was it?" Blossom asked.

"Duh." Came from butch.

Brick sighed and pulled blossom away. "Let's just leave."

"Bye butters! See you tomorrow!" She giggled and skipped to boomer.

We were left there in silence, staring off to the broken buildings of the city. After minutes of silence, butch yawned. "Wanna stay over?" I asked.

"Sure. Just don't kill me." I dragged him home with me and threw him on the couch.

Next day...


I jolted up and looked around."W-what?!" Just then a laugh resounded in my room

I glared at the person laughing which was butch.

"What do you want?"

After a few minutes of trying to calm down, he finally stopped laughing. He picked me up, bridal style and ran to the dining table.

He sat me on a chair and gave me a plate of pancakes, bacon and eggs, and a warm cup of coffee.

I looked at the food in front of me and drooled slightly. "What's this all about?" I asked and took a big bite on one of my pancakes. My eyes widen slightly at the taste. It tastes great! Not like I'm going to admit it.

"Since we're going on a date today, I figured that cooking you some breakfast wouldn't hurt." I heard him say and I froze.

I forcibly swallowed the whole bacon and eggs then stared at him, wide-eyed.

"What was that?" I asked and took a sip of my coffee. The coffee's great! Maybe I should give him a chance. Only because I love his cooking. And a little bit of him.

"We're going on a date. We're gonna have so much fun, you won't remember about your phone's death!" He exclaimed.

"Fine then. But only because you make great breakfast." I said and finished the leftover scrapes of egg and pancakes.

"Of course I do! I am a great husband material!" He bragged and kissed me on the cheek.

I felt my face heat up as I watched him sprint out of my sight to get ready.

'This is gonna be one hell of a date.'


Hey guys! Two more chapters to go and we're good to go! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

G'night, although it's 6 am right now and my eyes can barely stay focused.

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