Chapter 3- Spending time together

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I don't own the Powerpuff girls
Buttercup's POV

If you are wondering where I am right now, I am inside my room. I am so embarrassed of what I did. I don't even know what came to me that I did that! I mean really!? 'Oh god, why did I do that?! I just want die. This is just too much. How do I face him later?' I thought as I made a mess out of my room. I don't care if I starve, but I'm sure that wouldn't happen because I will never skip a meal. But that depends on my mood.

Now is the best time to eat my worries away. I have tons of problems to worry about. And the first one on my list is butch. Of course it had to be him. He's been giving me problems since god knows when. He is quite the bastard, don't you think? But that's what makes him butch. I really need to stop now and start with butch's breakfast. I went to the kitchen and saw that they prepared breakfast but said to reheat it because who'd want to eat cold bacon and eggs? That's plain stupid. It won't be as good as it's supposed to be.

I took my time reheating breakfast. I took out my phone and watched some sports while waiting. Afterwards, I ate breakfast and took butch's share of breakfast. I went in the basement where professor placed him. I just don't get why they care about the boys. I mean who worries about their enemies? I didn't even feel guilty when I almost killed butch, I think? Oh I don't know anymore.
" Hey, butch. I'm back with your breakfast." I said when I arrived at the table near his bed. I placed it on top of the table. " Sure, thanks for the breakfast. I guess?" He said akwardly. " Are you feeling a little bit better? Cause I'm not feeding you today." I asked. I already knew that he's going to be in good shape in two days.

" Yeah, I feel a lot better than yesterday. Thanks again for breakfast." He said, smiling a bit. " You are most welcome, sir." I teased and bowed, laughing. I am quite the gentleman, aren't I? " So, what do you want to do today? Wanna play video games? Or watch another batch of horror movies?" I asked. I just didn't want it to be awkward today like yesterday was. " I don't know? Video games? Since we watched movies until you fell asleep yesterday maybe we should play video games." He said, almost finished eating. " Ok. Just let me set up the game and we're good to go!" I said happily. 'I hope this would distract me from what happened earlier. I, at least hope so.'

-Timeskip because I'm too lazy-

And it's lunch time. 'Finally, some alone time with food. The only time that I feel the need to eat a lot.' " I'm hungry, bc. I want to eat but i can't stand up to get my lunch." He whined. He always liked the idea of eating lunch that is of course, cooked by me. He would always when i mean always, i mean always eat half of my lunch. Every. Single. Day. " Well? What would you like for lunch?" I asked. He was being clear that he wants me to cook lunch for him which is the only choice because I'm the only one here with him today.

The professor left me here with this thing known as butch, for some errand he needed to make sure that his project was safe and well, functional. Although I do understand that he needs to do this for safety reasons but really? How i wish that i didn't beat this thing up. He is being such a pain in the ass. " Well, I want the usual." He said. I knew fully well of what he meant. He wanted half of my lunch! " Fine, then. Not like I have a choice. Just wait here. I'll just bring some extra pillows and a blanket for me. Then you'll get your lunch." I explained. He just nodded happily. I bet a third of my lunch that he is thinking about what he'll be eating. (Correct.)

I went to my room and took some pillows and my blanket then brought it to the basement. I took a bath, got changed, made lunch and of course ate half of it. I went in the basement with my half eaten lunch and gave it to him. " So, what should we do now?" Butch asked. He easily finished eating his lunch, which was also my lunch. " You should take a bath. I'll bring you some clothes to change into." I said. And being the perverted bastard he is, he told me to help him take a bath and change his clothes for him. " If you want another broken bone in your body, just tell me and I assure you that you won't regret it. Free of charge." I threatened. He sweatdropped at this and gulped loudly. " I-i was j-just j-jo-jo-joking. No need to get a-angry at." He stuttered out, sweating.

" You better be or else you'll be saying your prayers before I send you off." I said, I gave him a towel and told him to use the bathroom near the kitchen and took off to get him his extra clothes from his bag. I knew he brought clothes with him. We do have P.E at the same period. "Hey, BC! Where's my clothes! I'm finished taking a bath now!" He yelled from the bathroom. " Shut it! I'm still looking for your pants! Where did you put it!!" I yelled back. " It's in my bag! Why are you taking so long? It's freezing here!" He shouted.

" Do you think I care if you're freezing! " I shout back. I flew to the bathroom since he's already finished, I threw his clothes at him. " Get dressed butch, we're going to the park." I said with my hands on my hips. " What are we going to do there? Play soccer? My whole body is in pain. I can't play soccer." He complained. " Shut your trap. We are not. playing. soccer. We're just going to stroll around, ok? There's nothing you can do about it. Because we're stuck here together. Left to spend time together." I said and got ready for the park.


And that's another chapter finished!
What do you guys think? I think it's bad.
Hope you enjoyed!

Fun fact: I suck at math.

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