Chapter 8- New brothers and sisters

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I do not own the Powerpuff girls
They would look bad if I made them.

Butch's POV

Hey, guys. Let's pick up where we left off. So we're here at the park going around shouting. When she got bored of shouting, we went around town beating up some gangs. Then lunch came. " Hey, babe it's lunch time." I called out to her. She snapped her head towards me and glared. I'm not sure if she's glaring or staring but one thing that I'm sure of is that buttercup is pissed. Very pissed. She sighed then threw Ace towards his gang members, shouting profanities at them. She took a seat on a bench nearby and pat the seat beside her, signaling me to sit there. And so I did. She took out her lunch and gave me some.

" Um. Buttercup? I don't have a spoon." I said. She just stared. " Hey, don't give me the silent treatment. I didn't do anything to deserve this." I said. " I think I know who planned this." She said. This peaked my interest. " Oh? And who do you think was it?" I asked. " It's either my sisters or your brothers. Since my sisters have been bugging me about your confession. And your brothers were being annoying about how dating is so great." She explained. " But what if it wasn't them? It could have been someone else." I answered. " Wow! So you actually care about this whole situation. I didn't think you would!" She said sarcastically. I looked at her with a blank face.

She ignored my stare and asked, " If you're so smart, then who do you think was it?" " Maybe one of my exes?" I asked. " Nice guess but are you sure about that? Why would one of your exes make rumors about us dating?" She asked. 'Now this question could get me in trouble.'
" just forced them to date me?" I asked. " So do I care if you forced them or not? No." She said, slowly getting angry. " I forced them to date me. And they did it because they wanted us to get together." I said closing my eyes getting ready for the impact of her punch.

" Hm. I guess one of them would do that. If I were that girl I would do that too. Since getting forced to go out on a date with someone you want someone to end up with would be devastating. " She said and nodded to herself as if she just realized the right answer. " For example, it could be that girl up on the tree taking pictures. Or that boy who looked like a girl who sat beside us. He left a bottle that had something in it. It must be a voice recorder." She said pointing out the two. " Well they do look suspicious. Especially that girl." I pointed the girl who sat in front of us. She seemed suspicious enough.

" And what's wrong with that girl? She doesn't look that suspicious." She said and I stared at her for a long time.
" Ok ok. She does look suspicious. Are you happy now?" She gave up. I smirked. " She's been sitting there since we arrived here. And I saw her when we were at the park and when we went around town. She was there wherever we went." I continued. " Well, I did see her a while ago. But maybe it's just coincidence?" She said.
" How can that be a coincidence?! Did you not see her when we went around town" I snapped.

" Geez.No need to shout..." She said quietly. " But anyways, let's ask her why she's following us." She stood up and we walked towards the girl. Then, suddenly there was a boy who went to the girl's bench. " So, uh hey. What's your name?" She asked. " I'm Kisha Robertson. Nice to meet you buttercup." The girl named Kisha said.
" Um sure and what's your name, boy?" She asked again but it was rude this time. " Chris Matthews." He said. " So I was wondering. I saw you when we were going around town and saw you again when we went around town, so I just want to know if you're following us." She asked and full on ignored Chris.

" Yes. I was following you. I'm part of the school's newspaper club. I collect information about my target and deliver it to Janne. Then Ember will make the article. And Chris makes sure that no one will be able to hack our club. The girl who takes pictures is Maria and the boy is Cole. Julian does the printing." Kisha said. " So I guess it's the newspaper club. I had an ex there but that's a secret." I said.

" Oh you mean Fria? She's in charge of the juicy parts. She's as quiet as a mouse. I like it when she starts to talk. She gets very noisy when it comes to sharing info. She would ramble on and on." Kisha said. " Well, you are like her when she shares info. You're noisy as hell. I went out with her because I needed someone to get her jealous but it was no use and also I needed info about you know who." I sighed dejectedly. " So? Who cares if I didn't get jealous." Buttercup joined the conversation.

" The fans do. Especially Fria and me." Kisha said proudly. " Since your club is the culprit of all of this, you're gonna have to face the wrath of Buttercup Utonium." She grinned. She looked like she was going to breaktheir necks. " Calm down, babe. Don't do it. Ypu might kill them." I held her back. " So you really are dating!" Kisha exclaimed. " Kish, I don't think that's a good idea. We might get in trouble with Janne if she finds out. She might tell the whole school about our real age!" Cole warned.

" I don't care. Just because I'm not supposed to be in our school doesn't mean that I can't go to her school! I am, after all, a big fan of these two! Even if they were to beat me up, I don't care. As long as I got you on my side, I won't have to worry." She said. " Well, since I'm the matured one here. I won't be pick a fight with a kid like you. But I might as well beat your friend here." She looked at Cole and grinned. " Well, please take care of me." She said and launched herself towards Cole. 'Shoot! Gotta act fast or she might kill the kid.' I grabbed her ankle and pulled her towards me.

" Woah, easy there gorilla girl. Don't beat us up. We are not normal ok?" Cole said. " And also we may not look like it but we're still 8." Kisha said. " So who made you two?" She asked. " We weren't made. We were experiments. Mojo found us when we were five years old. We're orphans you see. He conducted some experiments on us and boom, our bodies grew up. We looked like junior high school students and that's where we started to talk." Cole explained. I blanked out for a moment and realized that we had new siblings.

" So you guys are our new bro and sis. That's so cool! But if you're eight then that means he kept it from us for three years! " I hugged the three and forgot about bc. " So you guys are siblings? Then I advice you little boys, to not hang around this thing, he's annoying and you might turn into a perverted creep like him. Also Janne, Ember and Kisha will be staying with us now. I can't have them stay in a house that is messy." Buttercup said. " No need for that. Besides brick is very strict when it comes to cleaning the house. And boomer cooks for us but sometimes brick cooks." I said quite proudly. " I know that you're useless but to think that it was to this extent. This could be a reason why I won't date you." Buttercup said.

" Oh and you know Julian? He's our big bro!" Cole exclaimed. " Oh, you mean that new kid on our soccer team. Yeah." I answered. " Well, congratulations on getting new siblings. I hope you won't get overpopulated in your house because of your new siblings. Good luck with that. I'm done with my tantrum I'm gonna finish my lunch and go home. Bye." And with that she left me there with the twins. " I wish she was as easy as her sisters. But I don't wanna have a girly girlfriend." I sighed and led the twins back home. To mojo's lair.

I know that I said later but some things came up and I didn't get to update. I'm so sorry. So let me introduce the new additions to the boys ' family. There's Kisha, Julian and Cole. Also, Janne, Ember and Chris are triplets.

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