Chapter 9- Lies and dating part 1

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I do not own the Powerpuff girls. I don't know anything about art. The picture above is not mine.

Buttercup's POV

I just finished my lunch. I went back home with my things. It's been 2 hours since I last saw butch, don't get me wrong, I hate the guy but there's something fishy about those kids. It's like they are up to something. I shrugged and put on my headphones. I played some songs to distract me from those kids. I flew slowly since I wasn't in a hurry. I nodded my head to the beat. I didn't notice but there was someone following me. I shook it off and headed towards the pizzeria.

I went in and was about to order when bubbles pulled me out. She was saying something I didn't understand so I did the only thing I can do, " What?" I asked. " What?" I asked again. She removed my headphones and shouted " The boys are in trouble!" " Chill, bubbles. You don't need to worry about them. They're boys, they can take care of themselves. Besides, what could get them in to trouble?" I asked. " Butch." She said. " So, it's butch." I said. " That's right. It's butch. He was knocked out by some kids." Bubbles said. At this I laughed out loud. Then I realized that my hunch was right.

" Those kids, what do they look like?" I asked. " So, you finally realized how bad the situation is. They look like high school students but apparently they are still kids. They kept on bragging about how great they were." She said. " I knew it! Mojo loves his boys too much to keep a secret for three years from them!" I yelled. " Hurry up! We need to rescue them!" Bubbles flew away. I hurriedly followed her to where she was heading. " Hey! Why are you in a hurry?!" I yelled as I caught up with her. " We're late!" And with that she tried to be any faster than she already was. I sighed. 'They always want to be on time but when it comes to saving the day we would usually end up a minute or two late.' I grabbed her by the waist and hastened my speed.

Soon we arrived at the place with bubbles directions. " Yo bloss! Sorry I'm late!" I said letting go of bubbles. " Well, at least you're here." She said. I took a quick look around and saw that we were near the town's borderline. " Welcome, buttercup. I am so glad that you're finally here! We are gonna have so much fun!" A voice, that I recognized as kisha's, squealed in excitement. " Don't do that Kisha, it's irritating." Julian said, annoyed. " Julian's right. Stop being annoying." Janne said. " Janne! Why are you here?!" I yelled, shocked. " Hey, butters. Fancy meeting you here." Janne bowed playfully.

" Oh, don't be so cold. We're here for the matchmaking. You know, cause we're matchmakers." Ember said. " All of us here are from the future. We were sent here because of certain matters. By the way, the name you call us by are not our real names." Chris finally explained. " Enough about that, let's start the game." Cole snapped his fingers and then we blacked out.


" Hey." 'Huh? Who's calling me?' " Buttercup. Wake up." I slowly opened my eyes. " Wha? Where am I?" I asked. I couldn't see the person but I know who it was. " Butch." I said feeling the dryness of my throat. " Water. I need water." I demanded quietly. Then suddenly a glass of water appeared. I drank the water and finally have woken up since I choked a lot of times before I finally felt fully awake.

" We're inside a room." Butch answered. " I know that. I'm not blind you know." I answered back. " Well, I'm sorry for being so stupid to actually answer your question." He said sarcastically. " Well, at least I'm not as-" " What? Are you gonna say stupid? Surely I am not as stupid as you are. You're probably stupider than me." He cut me off. " Is stupider even a word? Are you sure that I'm the one who's stupid? Maybe you actually are the stupid one out of the two of us." I retorted.

" Enough both of you! Are you trying to annoy me to death?"

I turned my head towards the voice only to see a familiar face. " Who are you exactly?" I yelled asking who they really were. " I am someone's child from the future." Janne said. " Okay, that's not helping. Since I can't get you much, are you perhaps mojo's child?" I joked. " Do I look like a monkey to you?" Janne asked. " Nope." I shook my head. She sighed. " Fine, you win. I am Brianna. Ember is Bonnie. And Chris is Bruce." She said. " Nice to meet you. But wait, if you're from the future, then did I really save you and Ember?" I asked. " Oh you mean that? Yeah you did. But that will happen in the future. How did you find out anyway?" She asked.

" I don't know. I had a dream about it." I answered. " Well, good for you. Besides that, what else did you have a dream about?" Janne or should I say Brianna asked. " I had a dream about blossom and brick having kids. And then bubbles and boomer had twins." I said trying to remember. And then I remembered my dream of me and butch having kids. My face turned red. I looked at butch and turned redder than I was earlier. " Um, are you ok?" Butch asked with a raised brow. " Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said nervously looking down on the floor.

" Since you asked me earlier, Bruce, Bonnie and I are triplets. We are the children of Brute." Brianna said. " Oh, shoot! I did not expect that." Butch said with wide eyes. " I'm guessing that your father is Breaker. And you're a Momo?" I asked not sure if I got the last name right. " I'm not sure. Maybe mom knows?" She asked. " Well, that's quite a horrible name." Butch said. " Says who, jojo?" Bonnie said out of nowhere. " Says me of course." He said smugly. " Yours doesn't sound any better." I said defending brute's new last name.

" Hmph. Oh yeah? You never know, you might get this last name too." He said. " Oh, and why would I get your last name?" I asked. " You'll get it when you marry me." He said smiling teasingly. Brianna and bonnie squealed in excitement. " Stop all that squealing. It sounds like a dog near its death." Bruce said. " That is so true. This is why I find girly girls a little annoying." Butch said as bruce nodded in agreement. I sighed and shook my head. 'This is gonna be a long day.'

Yay. Another chapter finished! Please look forward to part 2! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy!

Fun fact : I wrote lots of stories already but I'm not planning on publishing them.

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