Chapter 15- Party disaster part 2

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I don't own anything in the ppg. Just the oc and the plot, I guess.

Buttercup's POV

After butch finally left the room, I immediately hop down from the bed and took a long and cold shower. After showering, I sat on the bathtub for a while to warm up a little and after 5 minutes or so, I left the bathroom in a bathrobe. And of course, it was white if you're wondering.

I stepped outside the bathroom and went to the table near the bookshelf. I took a book and sat down at the chair. The book is about a rich lady who killed her family because of an arranged marriage, even the servants weren't spared. I know cruel but they deserved it, they never treated the girl in a good manner and when the guy arrived there, he witnessed a bloody scene. And you can just imagine what happened. It was a very detailed book, the way the author describe how each member and servant was killed, had me at the edge of my seat! Very satisfying.

After finishing the book, I put it down and there was a loud boom. After a few more minutes the lights were out and several shrieks were heard from outside. So I decided to call butch. " Yo, butch. What happened out there? I think I heard a loud sound." I asked as soon as he picked up." Well babe, I slipped." He said chuckling. " Enough with the jokes. Tell me what happened!" I said angrily. " Cool down, lady. I slipped on some wine in the kitchen and hit the LPG tank then boom! It exploded." He explained.

" You destroyed the kitchen? Was anyone there with you when it exploded? And bring me some food here, will ya?" I asked. " Not just the kitchen, I broke a fuse accidentally on my way back to the party. No one's here. And I'll get you something to eat." He said and laughed. " Thanks. Bye dumbass and make sure you pay for the things you damaged!" " Bye, ba-" beep. I hung up cutting him off.

" Now I just have to wait." I took out my phone and checked the battery and let out a sigh of relief. It's a good thing that I charged my phone earlier or else, I would starve to death!
My stomach rumbled as I imagined different kinds of food. " Wait a little more and we'll be full in no time." I said to myself and stood up. I changed into my clothes earlier and in the middle of me getting in the dress, the lights were back on and butch stormed into the room carrying tons of food and two bottles of wine.

" Yo bc! Look what I brought~ It's the stronge-" He slammed the door shut, laughing all the while but stopped when he saw me. " Wha- what are you looking at!?" I yelled fighting the blush on my face as he tried to look away. His cheeks were flushed lightly. " Well, I... uh didn't know you were dressing up." He answered awkwardly. " Set it down the table." I said, still blushing and clenched the bathrobe in front of me. He slowly walked to the table and I turned around to get fully dressed.

I was almost finished with the dress but I can't reach the goddamn zipper at the back. 'Who the hell made this goddamn dress! I swear I'm going to kill her!' I silently cursed. Then suddenly, I felt warm hands on my shoulder and I immediately tensed, the blush from before intensified. " What are you planning to do?" I asked, expecting him to answer with a joke. " I'm helping you in the goddamn dress, as you call it. Or maybe you want to eat with your back exposed? Either way, you can still eat without any problems." He answered in exasperation.

" Hurry it up then. I'm starving." I demanded 1 as he zip it up just below my neck, his fingers occasionally brushing my skin that made me flinch. As soon as he finished my stomach rumbled and my flushed face could put brick's cap to shame! " I hear you." Butch nodded with a small smile on his face and added with a bow, " Shall we eat now?" I laughed at his stupid antics. I nodded and sprinted to the table where the food awaited for me.

After eating...

" That was great!" I said letting out a sigh of content. " It's time for wine!" He said pulling out two glasses for the wine. " Where did you get that?" I asked. " I took it from the kitchen. I saved it from the explosion, you know about the LPG-" " Yes. I know what you mean." I cut him off and took a glass from his hand and opened the bottle of wine. I poured both of us a glass full of wine and it's not red wine, folks. " For the destruction of the kitchen." I held out my glass and waited for him to lift his glass up.

Finally, he lift up his glass and we both cheered, " Cheers!" The sound of glass clanking temporarily filled the room.

2 bottles of wine later...

Boom! Bam! Whoosh!

Our attentions shifted from the empty wine bottles to the explosion. I looked at butch and ask, " Did you teleport to another kitchen and caused another explosion?" " Nope. I can't teleport. Even my brother's can't, so how can I?" He answered. " If you can't teleport and there was an explosion, does that mean a villain attacked?" I absent-mindedly asked. " Might as well check it out." He said and we flew out of the room through a window near the table. The sound of glass shattering filled my ears.

And guess what happened. I got slammed to a nearby building. 'Just great.' I shot up next to my sisters immediately after gaining some senses back. " What the hell!? What did I ever do to you!?" I yelled in frustration. " Ha, ha, ha. You got me locked up in prison for something I didn't do. And now you're asking me what you did?" An overly familiar voice was heard. After waiting a little bit more the white smoke finally cleared and there in front of was dexter. (To those who don't remember, he was there on chapter 6.)

" Dexter!" I gasped as my eyes widened in shock. " That's right. Dexter." He smirked and pointed his laser gun at me.

To be continued...

Ok, so this the new chapter. And I hope you enjoy. It might be a little short for a chapter that hasn't been updated for how many days but at least there's a chapter. I'll update next week monday. Thank you for reading!

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