Chapter 6- Late night fights and confessions

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I don't own the Powerpuff girls

Butch's POV

" We're back!!" Bc shouted, slamming the door open. " Welcome back, Butters!" Bubbles shouted back from the kitchen. " Hey, bc. Are you up for movie night?" Blossom asked when we arrived in the living room. " Sure. What's for dinner. Haven't ate yet." Buttercup answered. " There's some fried rice and chicken in the fridge. Just heat it up." Blossom said, getting comfortable beside brick on the red couch. " Yo bro. How's your date?" Brick said earning a death glare from buttercup. " There was no date." Buttercup said sternly. I gave my bro a 'you shouldn't have said that' look and left with bc.

" Hey bc, hey butch. Wanna eat dinner?" Boomer asked. I guess bubbly girl and boomerang is assigned in making the snacks. They, after all, like cleaning and cooking. "Yeah. Just heat it up." I said to him. " Ok. Just wait here. I'll heat it." Boomer said and left to the fridge. I'm heading to the basement for a while. I left my pillows and my blanket there." Buttercup said. " I'll go with you. I forgot my phone there." I said. " No need to. Just tell me where it is and I'll get it for you." She offered. " It's okay. I want to get it." I refused her offer. 'She would find out that my wallpaper is a picture of her sleeping. That would be disastrous!'

" Fine, but hurry up." She said. We walked past bubbly girl and boomerang and went to the basement. She turned the lights on and went to the bed. She picked up her pillows and blanket. I took the pillow and blanket that I used yesterday, then my phone. She went out first. I was about to leave when I notice a lime green phone lying on the bed. I took it and went out of the basement, turning off the lights in the process. I closed the door to the basement and went to the living room where the reds were supposed to be. " Hey babe. Where are the reds and blues?" I shouted, she wasn't in the living room either.

" That's what I don't know. They aren't here. It's like they weren't here in the first place." She answered from upstairs. Just then her phone went ringing. I looked at her phone to see who was calling. It was blossom. I answered the phone. " Buttercup come over here! There was an attack and we need your help!" Blossom shouted through the phone. " Where are you?" I asked. " Butch? We're near the park. Hurry up!" She shouted and there was a loud explosion. " You crazy son of a- aaaaargh." She ended the call and I just realized the situation. " Buttercup!! Townsville is under attack! Hurry up and let's go!" I flew towards her room shouting.

" Okay, okay. I heard ya!" She yelled angrily. We went out of her room through the big round window she has. We arrived at the park in no time. " Holy mother of god! What the hell happened here?!" She shouted wide-eyed. " Nothing you need to worry about." A voice said from behind us. We turned around and saw dexter. " Dexter, you crazy, ugly, shortie! What did you do to my sisters?!" Buttercup shouted. " Nothing much. I'm sure they can handle it." Dexter said grinning evilly. " Cut the crap, shortie! Why are you here?! Go back to your mom and stay put!" I shouted. " Who are you to boss me around? You're not even worth my time." This little creep said to me.

I reddened with anger. " You little twerp. Now you're in trouble." I said before punching him in the face. I'd like to say that but someone beat me to it. " Where the hell are my sisters?!" Buttercup shouted punching the hell out of him. Then I realized that there were lots of explosions. I looked down and saw the reds and blues evacuating the citizens near the park. Hopefully they wouldn't go near the park. Then I saw Janne and flew towards her. " What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled. " I'm filming the fight." She answered calmly. " Forget about the stupid film and evacuate the area!" I shouted.

" There's no need to evacuate. The fight's ending." She answered. I looked up and saw buttercup falling to the ground. 'Holy god. She's falling. And fast!' I flew towards buttercup and caught her just in time. " That little twerp. I'll make sure to beat you up nicely." She grinned evilly. I gulped. " Help me out, butch. Let's beat the crap out of him." She said smiling like a kid who found a new toy to play with. I sighed and decided to help. 'I hope you don't die after this.' I thought. I didn't want buttercup to become a villain. " I'd love to." I said grinning.

-Timeskip because I'm not good with fighting scenes-

So this and that happened to shortie. He almost died because of bc's punching and got arrested for terrorism. But let's forget about him and talk about what happened after. So, when we got back from the fight, bc and I ate dinner. " So babe, you still up for movie night?" I asked while eating. " Sure, why not. I mean we do deserve a good movie and of course, sleep." She said. " So let's finish this up and join them." I said and began eating fast. " Dude, slow down. You might choke." She said worriedly. " Don't worry. I won't cho-" I choked. Buttercup laughed but still gave me a glass of water.

" Dude, that was hilarious!" She said clutching her stomach, laughing. " Haha. Very funny, babe." I said sarcastically. " Of course it is, since you're the one who choked. " Stop laughing. Or else." I threatened. " Or else what?" She asked laughing. Looks like she's not taking me seriously. " Or else I'll kiss you." I said, a smirk on my face. She grinned and said " You wouldn't dare." "But I would. If I wanted to." I answered. She frowned. " Seriously, dude. You need to control your flirting. Haven't you noticed that you've been flirting with me?" She said.

" I noticed that already. And I'm doing it on purpose." I shrugged. She banged her hands on the table. " Butch. Let me get this straight. We're friends. And even if you think of me as something more, it won't work. You're you and I'm me. You like to date and I don't. You...well, you're someone who thinks of love as a game. And I take it seriously. I always feel that I'm not important. Not loved. That I'm not enough for them-" She looked down tears threatening to fall. " But you are. You're loved, you're important. To your sisters, the professor... to me. You're more than enough for me." I hugged her.

" Um, butch? You can let go now. I don't really need a hug." She pushed me away. " When you're sad, you can always go to me and talk about it. After all, I am your counterpart. Yours only, no one else's. And you will always be mine." I said. " Dude, you sound like a person from a romance movie." She cringed. " I know but I just want you to know that...that I love you." I blushed madly and refused to look up at her. We ate in awkward silence. " Butch. I'll think about it." She said, breaking the awkward silence. "But babe. Are you still up for movie night?" I asked. I don't know how many times I asked. I just wanted to know if she's still up for it. " I think I'll pass. Good night." She said and put her plate on top of the sink. I guess, I confessed at the wrong time.

Finished this chapter!
Hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading this story. May you have a good day. Or night.

Fun fact : I love to sleep.

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