13- Butch's shirt...

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I don't own the Powerpuff girls


Buttercup's POV

The problem with Morebucks has ended well. And I think I well on my math test. I've always hated that class, Ms. Luther always gives me hard to solve homeworks that it got my brain to start working and although I hate Ms. Luther, I still do my best in her class which is math because you wouldn't want an angry math teacher. But let's not talk about my math teacher cause it's P.E time!

" Okay, everyone, gather around! Today you will all be running laps around the field outside! Now go, go, go!" Coach Jerick yelled. He is a scary looking man in his mid forties. Although scary looking, he's very kind to us.

We all went out to the soccer field, where our soccer practice is held after classes. We all got into running positions and after coach blew his whistle, butch and I immediately sprinted leaving behind our classmates. We made a bet while we were racing and I was sure to win or I thought so.

After the race...

After minutes of running the winner has been decided. And it was butch, the jerk tripped me. " Well, about the bet. You're not gonna back down are ya?" Butch smirked in triumph. " I don't go back on my words." I hissed. I never thought that he would actually win but I kind of expected it, since he's my counterpart. " Hmm. Let me think about it first." Butch said as he went on full thinking mode and focused on what to make me do.

" Well, you're going to prom with me." Butch declared. " Anything else?" I asked impatiently. " Being impatient, aren't we? Well then, be my girlfriend." Butch smiled. " Like hell I will!" I shouted in anger. He was being ridiculous. " I thought you don't go back on your words?" Butch teased. I glared at him and clenched my fist, trying to contain my anger then I realized that he still owes me a favor. " I'm sure you still remeber that you owe me." " Yeah?" " Well then, do me a favor and stop asking me out." I said and left.

I took my bag from my locker and got my extra clothes. I quickly changed my clothes and felt something different about my shirt. The size was too big. Then I realized, it was butch's shirt. The one that he left at home. 'Why did it have to be his shirt! But then again, It's not like I'll die if I wear it.' I thought to myself and shrugged. It felt comfortable wearing his shirt, like it was normal. I walked out of the locker room with my books for the next class.

I was walking to my next class when suddenly, someone bumped into me and I fell. " Watch where you're going." The voice said. I looked up to see breaker. Damn this bastard. " You're the one who bumped me." I said, trying not to punch him. " Nice timing, buttercup!" Breaker stretched his hand out to help me up. I took his hand and he pulled me up. Then I punched him until he backed away yelling. " Hey, that hurt!"

" So, what do you want?" I asked. " The thing is, our anniversary is coming up and I need some advice on what to give to you-know-who." Breaker said. " How about a sports watch?" I suggested. " I gave her that 2 years ago."

" Watch a soccer match."

" Already done that."

" Bring her to the arcade."

" Finished that one."

" A trip to L.A."

" Too expensive."

" Does that mean that Jomo has no money anymore? " I sighed and shook my head. Suddenly a hand snaked its way to my waist. Shocked, I turned around to see butch with a grin. " Looking for me?" Butch asked wiggling his eyebrows. " No one's looking for you." I mumbled and looked away. I removed his hand from my waist and turned to leave. " Where are you going?" Butch asked.
" To my next class, dimwit." "Ok. You look good in my shirt by the way." Butch said and I left with a face flushed in embarrassment. 'This shirt will really be the death of me.'

~Timeskip brought to you by my fever~

Lunch time...

Me and the girls were talking happily, when the speakers screeched. " Attention everyone. I have an announcement. Prom is getting near and I'm sure that you all are excited. Everyone can go with or without a partner and don't forget that participating in this is a must." After that speech from the principal, my sisters and robin started to talk about what to wear, who to go with, when to buy dresses and blah blah blah. Hearing them talk about it makes me want to barf. Then suddenly they asked me a question. A question so easy to answer but difficult at the same time.

" Buttercup, why are you wearing butch's shirt?" Bubbles asked. The topic that I dreaded was brought up. Not knowing what to say, I nervously laughed and looked away. And then the boys arrived at the table. Great.
" Hey, girls." They all said in unison. " Hiya, mitch!" Robin greeted. " Hey, brick." Blossom smiled. " Hi boomer." Bubbles giggled and they all turned to me. " Hey, twerps?" I asked because they were looking at me. And they were looking at me strangely at that. I remembered that I, am wearing his shirt. Of all the shirts I could have gotten, I got his shirt for god's sake!

" What are you all looking at?" I asked impatiently. " Oh nothing. Why did you ask?" Bubbles answered. " Because you guys are looking. At me. How could I not question that?" I asked doing hand signs just to make sure they really understand. " Back to the topic, why are you wearing butch's shirt?" Blossom inquired. " I...uh...got it from inside my bag?" I answered. " Was that a question or an answer?" Boomer asked. I glared at him for asking.

" I got it from my bag, ok? Now quit asking the same question!" I said angrily. Then I heard a camera taking pictures. At first I didn't mind it because it might be from somewhere else and when I turned to peek it was butch taking pictures. I glared at the stupid camera that was aimed at me wishing it would disappeared. " What. Are. You. Doing?" I asked him. " Taking pictures. Because it's sure to last longer." He answered back.

" So, who's wants to buy dresses with me tomorrow?" Robin asked. " Oh, I'll go with you! I'm sure mitch wouldn't mind us." Bubbles said. " Then, I'm going too because I want to buy a dress with you guys." Blossom piped in. " Thanks for the offer but I'm going to be busy. With him. Got a date with butch tomorrow. Right, hmm?" I elbowed him. He put down mitch's camera and answered, " Uh, yeah that's right. We have a hot date tomorrow, I guess." He shrugged and continued to take pictures.

"Oh! You guys are finally, really, really, really, really dating for sure right? Right!?" Bubbles exclaimed, slamming her hands on the lunch table. " Y-yeah. We're dating." I scratched the back of my head. 'Blegh. I want to barf.' " Really?" Bubbles leaned on the table and went to my face. Her face was inches away my face and I could feel her breath fanning my face. " It's not safe to do that, bubbs. The table is gonna fall because of your weight." I looked away trying not to laugh in front of her. I could already hear her scream in surprise and I laughed out loud at the thought. As if on cue bubbles hands slipped and she fell with a yelp.

" Bubbles, are you okay?" Boomer rushed to her side. " I'm fine. Just slipped is all." Bubbles laughed. " Ok." Boomer smiled and helped her up.


I looked at the direction of the bell and groaned. " Welp, guess I'll see you later. Bye!" I stood up and took my books and went back to class. " Bye, see you later, sis!" Bubbles shouted. " Get home on time, dad's throwing a party remember!!" Blossom shouted. " Yeah, yeah! I will get home on time for the party. Work hard and hurry up or you'll be late!" I shouted back and ran through the halls even though I'm not supposed to. But hey, it's fun to break a little rule. And the day went by, with me having fun and nothing to worry about. Just need to keep some girls away from me because they might want to know who's shirt I'm wearing.


So, this is another chapter and haha...
I just realized that there should be two more books before this one. And that means that I seem to have written the third book because I'm not that big of a fan of bubbles and blossom but I'll try to make the other books so worry not! Sorry for not updating earlier, I was busy catching up with the stories I've been reading and watching anime and reading mangas. I got carried away with it. Thank you for the reads, comments, and votes. I appreciate it, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. Have a good day/night.

Fun fact: I had a fever when I wrote half of the chapter...

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