Chapter 12- Problems with Morebucks

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I do not own the Powerpuff girls. I don't own anything, except for me, my ocs and my story.

Butch's POV

I arrived at bruce's room, where it all started. I saw buttercup sleeping on bruce's bed with her phone beside her. I smiled at the sight of her peaceful face. I shook her awake. " Hey sweet cheeks, wake up. There's ice cream~." I said. She didn't budge. I sighed, took her phone and proceeded to carry her. I met up with the blues and reds then we left.

Next day...

I woke up seven in the morning. I started the day with a good old work out. Then quickly took a bath, changed clothes and took my bag with my phone on hand. I sprinted out of my room to the dining room and saw boomer and brick ready for school. " Sup." I greeted and sat down. Brick had an annoyed look on his face but I shrugged it off. " Morning." Boomer greeted. " Hm." I ate breakfast silently. After eating, I took my plate to the sink and washed the dishes then went back to my room.

" Hurry up, slowpoke! We're going to be late!" Brick yelled. 'Well, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.' I thought as I shrug. " It's not my fault that I was made from a snail." I yelled back. I took my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. After that, I went back to the dining room, took my bag and phone then hurried to the front door. They already left. This was our routine. It's the same old but I like it that way. I locked the door and flew to school.

At school...

I arrived at school, feeling happy with myself. I saw buttercup and waved at her. But it was a stupid thing to do since her back was facing me. I ran up to her and pushed her lightly. " Hey sweet cheeks, how was your sleep?" I asked grinning widely. And guess what? She punched me on the shoulder. " Ow. That hurt! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I rubbed the spot where she punched me, and I swear that it will leave a bruise later! " Nothing's wrong with me! Maybe there's something wrong with you! Do you want to die?!" She yelled angrily.

" Sorry, I didn't mean it." I said. " Fine. Just don't do it again or you'll be the one answering my homework." She threatened. " Yes, ma'am!" I mocked a salute and laughed. " You should really get your head checked sometime." She said and laughed with me. " Hey, twerps!" I heard mitch shout as he ran up to us.
" Morning, jerk head!" Buttercup said, ruffling his already messy hair. " How's life been?" I asked him joining buttercup in messing up mitch's hair.

" It's cool. But what is with you and messing up my hair?" Mitch swatted my hand away from his head. I chuckled and grinned at him. " So~, how's your relationship with brownie?" I asked. He grinned back. " The real question is, how's your relationship with butterscotch?" He asked in a teasing tone. Buttercup glared at me and I gave her a 'what?' look. " What do you mean, mitchelson?" Buttercup asked. " Well~, since you're dating butch, I'm just wondering if your relationship with him is steady. And the day that I finally get my free lunch without charge is here!" Mitch raised his fist to the sky.

" Sorry, mitch. But I think you got one thing wrong." Buttercup pat his shoulder and smirked. " And what is that?" Mitch asked. " Butchie boy and I aren't a thing. We're just friends or something like that." She answered. " Really? 'Something like that'? You're not even sure with your answer. But, I understand that. I went through that stage too." Mitch pat her head and she looked at him like he was crazy. " Welp, I'm going now. I'm meeting up with robin later, bye! Good luck on the math test!" Mitch waved goodbye and ran to his first class. " Thanks!" I shouted and continued our way to class.

" Wait, was there supposed to be a math test today?" I asked. " Well, yeah actually. I didn't think you would care about it so I decided not to inform you." She answered and shrugged. " Just great. First day I get back to school and I'm greeted by a math test." I said. Note the sarcasm. We hurried to our first class which was math.

" Okay, class. Take your seats and get your pens out. We're going to start the test." Ms. Luther said. 'This is the worst. She is the worse.' I took out a pen and stared at the paper with questions. 'At least it's not as hard as I expected it to be. Hope I pass this test.'

30 minutes later...


" Finally! The bell has saved us!" A boy shouted from behind me. 'Ugh. So noisy.' " Pass your papers." Ms. Luther said. I passed my paper to her and went to the boys locker room. I changed to my P.E and got out of the locker room. I went to the gym and did some light warm ups, then princess showed up. This is why I sometimes hate this class. " Hi butchypie. Can you please help me out with the warm ups? Pretty please?" Princess said in her very high pitched voice that it could break my eardrums.

" No thanks, morebucks. I have no time to deal with you. Besides, buttercup doesn't want to see me with girls that she doesn't trust." I answered. Then as if on cue, buttercup slammed the door open. All of the students were quiet for a moment and looked at her direction but they returned to what they were doing. She looked around the gym and saw me with princess. I gave her a look that says 'help me' and she just sighed and shook her head.

She stomped her way to us and asked me, " What's the problem?" " Morebucks." I answered. She looked at princess and sighed again. " Morebucks, how many times do I have to tell you to leave butch alone? He's been bugging me about you every gym class." She confronted. " Well, well, well. If it isn't butterslut? Having troubles with your big eyes?" Princess laughed. " Butch has big eyes too. Why don't you ask him." Buttercup answered, pointing me. " He doesn't have problems. He at least looks handsome." Princess flushed red in embarrassment.

I can tell that she was having trouble with her retorts. A circle of students had already formed around us. Some are taking pictures and others are taking videos. But I didn't care, this is very interesting. Out of all their fights, this had been the only fight that buttercup didn't launch herself to morebucks.

" If he looks handsome, then I look beautiful." Buttercup answered. " Not one bit. You're just a bug eyed whore that looks like butchypie." Princess crossed her arms on her chest. " Well, at least I don't have raisins for eyes. And if I'm a bug-eyed whore, doesn't that mean that he's a bug-eyed man whore?" Buttercup answered back.

" What do you mean raisins for eyes?! And why do you keep on insisting that what you are, is what he is and what he is, is what you are?! It makes me sound bad!" Princess snapped. " If you don't want to sound bad, then why insult me? Use your head, dearie. And you'll understand why this happened." Buttercup pat princess' left cheek before she grabbed my hand dragged me away. Leaving a dumbfounded morebucks standing there with her mouth open.

" You owe me for this." Buttercup smirked and led us to the center of the gym where Mr. Jerick was checking the attendance.

Another chapter done and we're good to go! Since this story is ending, I will do my best to make some special chapters about boomubbles and blossick. But it will just be a side story and won't have anything to do with the previous chapters. It will be like one shots but please look forward to it! If you have any requests for new stories, please comment. I hope you enjoyed and please have a wonderful day/night! Bye and thank you for reading!

Fun fact: I'm lazy

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