Chapter 11- Lies and dating part 3

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I do not own the Powerpuff girls.
Please enjoy and comment any complaints that you have about my grammar, spelling and etc.

Buttercup's POV

Hey, people! It's me, your favorite girl. Or at least I think I am. Anyways, let's have a short review on what happened last chapter. I went to the girls' room. Butch went around the mansion looking for me (actually just the reds and blues rooms). He encountered some bad news and such that might get me angry. But, enough of that douche and let's talk about what happened to me and the girls while he was in the blues room.


We were talking about stuff that didn't have a single thing to do with girls stuff and before I knew it, it was lunch time already. " So, what's for lunch?" Brianna asked. " I don't know. Lemme call bruce." Bonnie answered and called bruce. " Hey bro. Where are you?" Bonnie asked. " I'm at Bella's. Why?" Bruce asked. " It's lunch time. What are we having for lunch?" Brianna asked. " I don't know. Let me ask butch. Hey butch, what do you want for lunch?" Bruce yelled on the phone.
" Anything. As long as it's buttercup's cooking." Butch answered back.

" You heard the guy. We'll wait in the dining room. Bye." Bruce said and ended the call. " So, I guess it's your turn to cook." Bonnie said. " What? Why me?" I asked. " Butch said so." Brianna shrugged. " Can't you just, I don't know, prepare the food?" I asked. " No can do butters. We don't do cooking in this house. We just have either barett or bruce cook." Bonnie answered, shaking her head. I sighed. " I guess I don't really have a choice." I stood up and staggered a bit. I felt a little dizzy. Then it was all black. I guess you could say that I fell asleep.


" Hey babe, what's cooking?" A familiar voice said and then I felt arms around my waist. " If you don't let me go, I'll be cooking you." I threatened. He was silent for a bit, probably thinking of good comeback. " If you cook me, you might as well eat me up." He said, grinning. At first I didn't get what he meant but I kind of understood. Kind of. " I take that back. I will give you back to that monkey and tell the kids you went missing." I said. 'Wait, kids? Whose kids?' I thought.

" Dad! Grandpa's here!" A little girl's voice was heard. 'Dad? Grandpa? This is so confusing.' I turned around and I felt something hug my left leg. I looked down to see a boy that had lime green eyes and a girl with forest green eyes. They looked familiar I just can't put my finger- " Hey, buttercup. How are the kids doing?" I looked up and saw professor. He looked older than he already was. I stood there with wide eyes.

" They're doing great, professor. They're causing troubles for us but nothing we can't handle. Right butters?" He asked. I finally looked up and suddenly I woke up.

" What a weird dream that was. How long was I out?" I asked looking around the room. " Just about 5 minutes or so." Brianna said. " Oh, okay. Well, I guess it's time to cook." I said and stood up from the bed and had Brianna lead the way. We arrived at the kitchen.

-Timeskip because I don't what to do-

" Lunch is ready. You guys go ahead and eat. Just don't eat all of it, leave some for me." I said. It's not like I didn't have any appetite to eat. I was just too busy with the dream I had earlier. Especially those two kids. " Babe. What's wrong? Aren't you hungry?" The way the voice said babe... it was very familiar. I just don't know where I heard it from. Sighing, I looked up and saw butch's face only inches away from mine, our lips almost, almost touched. I turned red and looked away.

" What do you want?" I asked, blushing. " Oh nothing. Just asking if you're hungry." Butch said with a small smile. " Well, I am but I'm eating later. You don't have to go out of your way just to ask me that." I said pouting. I took out my phone and played some video games, trying to ignore butch. He stood still in front of me, not moving an inch. Until finally I couldn't take it anymore. I looked up at him and directly saw his forest green eyes that was identical to that girl's eyes. " Why are you intently staring at me? It's creepy." I said annoyed.

" Hey, I have a question." He said like he didn't hear what I said. I sighed. " What is it?" I asked. " Did you know that we can't leave unless we're a couple?" He asked smiling. I froze. I just stayed there trying to process what he just said. " What?" I asked like I was stupid. " So, are you up for a date?" Butch asked grinning. I didn't answer. I sat there dumbfounded of what he just said. 'If I go on a date with butch, will I really be able to leave this hell hole?' I thought. "Ok, I'll go out with you. Just this once." I said and took his hand that he outstretched for me to take. He led me to the table where all of them were waiting.

" So, are you finally dating?" Brick asked. 'Why are they so obsessed with me dating butch. I can never get them.' I let out an exasperated sigh and continued eating. I was sitting next to my sisters. Blossom on my right and bubbles on my left. 'This is stupid. Once we get out of this house, I'm gonna get one thing straight. That we are not dating.' I finished eating my lunch and left the room, going straight for bruce's room.

•With the reds and blues•

" What did you say to her to get her to date you?" Bubbles asked curiously. " I lied to her." Butch answered. "About what?" Blossom asked. " About being able to leave if you have a boyfriend." Butch answered. " Well, dude. You're right. You didn't lie about what you just said." Brick said. " Wait! What I just said was actually true?" Butch said shocked. " No. He's just messing with you. Some weird girl I haven't seen before told me that we can leave anytime we want." Boomer said.

" Really? Is that true?" Bubbles asked cheerfully. " Yup!" Boomer said just as cheerful as bubbles. " Well then, I'm leaving. Brick are you coming?" Blossom asked. " Sure." Brick said and nodded. " I guess you'll have to fetch buttercup." Boomer said with a cheeky grin. " We'll wait for you in the living room." Bubbles said. Hyped as usual. " We leave everything to you." The reds and blues exited the room.

" I guess it's just you guys and me." Butch said. He got no response. He turned around and saw a note saying, " Somethings came up so we're going back to the future. See you when we clear things back at home. Love, the awesome kids from the future, bella, bruce, blaine, brianna, barett, and bonnie. I sighed. " I guess it's just me then." Butch said to jo one in particular and left the room, going to bruce's room. Where buttercup is asleep.


Hey guys! New chapter because of my good mood. If there are any mistakes in this chapter, please correct me. And to those who comments, I really appreciate it. Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye guys!

Fun fact: My grades are just above the average.

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