Chapter 10- Lies and dating part 2

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I do not own the Powerpuff girls. I seriously suck when it comes to writing stories.

Butch's POV

After a few minutes of talking, I got some information about where we were at. According to bruce, it seems that we were in a mansion near the borders of Townsville. " Hey butch, what do you want for dinner?" Bruce asked. Based on my observations, it seems the oldest is Brianna. Then the second is Bruce and the youngest is Bonnie. I looked up, I was currently playing some video games. Alone. " I want buttercup's cooking." I said then went back to playing. Bruce and I were currently alone in the room because the girls went out to do some girls stuff. Sadly, buttercup went with them although it was against her will, she still went.


" Hey, butters. Imma play some games, wanna join?" I asked. " Sure, why not. There's nothing to do anyway." She sat down next to me. Just then, the two black haired girls went up to us. " Hey, butch. Can we borrow butters for a while?" Brianna asked. I shrugged, I didn't own buttercup. Yet.

" Ask her." I said and started the game. We played for an hour then we ate some snacks when we lost once in a while. Bonnie took this chance to ask buttercup. " Hey, buttercup. Can you come with us for a while? You can play with butch tomorrow, for now you can stay with us." Bonnie suggested.

" Nah, I wanna play today. How 'bout I stay with you tomorrow and I play today. How about that?" Buttercup suggested. Brianna whispered something to her and made her blush furiously. " Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. " Nothing you need to worry about." She shook her head with a small smile, still blushing. The three had a conversation at the corner. I heard some bits and pieces thanks to my heightened hearing.

" You're just trying to get me do girly stuff with you." Buttercup said angrily. " I'm gonna have you stay here with butch if you don't go with us." Brianna threatened. " I'm sure it won't be that bad." Buttercup asked.

" He's a pervert. And I will have you wear skirts." Bonnie added. " I don't care. I don't mind wearing stupid skirts. I suffered from it since elementary." Buttercup said.

" Then I'll tell butch that you enjoyed your first kis-" Buttercup covered her mouth. " Fine. I'll go with you. Just don't tell him." They went back and I acted like I heard nothing. " Butch, I'm going to the girls room. Let's continue this tomorrow." Buttercup said and went out the door with brianna and bonnie.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard bruce. " If you want her to cook that much go to my sisters' room. I'm sure they're having fun there. My sisters got the best stuff." He said. 'Yeah. And I have none of these.' I thought before I nodded.

I went out bruce's room with him following close behind. I opened a door as soon as I saw one, I didn't know where his sisters were at and kept on opening doors one after another. When I opened the next door, I discovered something that would make bc angry and destroy a whole country. Brick on top of blossom. " Buttercup, I can explain! This isn't what it looks like!" Brick paled, trying to stand up, resulting to his face falling on blossom's chest. " Oh? She's here? Where is she?" I asked, ignoring the fact that they were publicly displaying affection. " She's not with you?" Brick asked with his nose bleeding. I nodded.

I looked around for a minute then saw Julian taking pictures. " Hey, Bruce. How's life been treating you?" Julian asked. " It's being good to me for some strange reason. Have you seen Brianna, barett?" Bruce said, coming up to barett with me following close behind. " She's not here. Maybe at Blaine and Bella's room. Why are you asking?" Barrett said. " Butch wants aunt- I mean buttercup to cook. And looks like brick over here wants some alone time together with blossom." Bruce said earning a glare from Barrett. Just like his father, a smile that looks so innocent but is actually deadly. Or perverted, because he is a pervert like me.

" Well, we'll be going then. I really need to find butterbabe now." I smiled awkwardly and slowly pushed bruce out of the room. " Butterbabe?" Blossom asked. " So you guys are finally dating?" Brick asked. I shook my head sadly. I continued to push bruce until we were out of sight. I let out a sigh and continued my search. Then, another thing for buttercup to be angry, came up. Bubbles on the floor with tears in her eyes, I'm not sure why but oh well. I shrugged and went in. " Hey boom, have you seen buttercup? And why is bubbles crying?" I asked, looking around the very blue room.

" Nope, haven't seen her. And FYI, I did not do anything to her. She was just laughing too much." Boomer shook his head. I would have noticed right away if she was here since she's wearing green and her hair is black. She would pretty much stand out. " Yo, butch. I see you're looking for auntie." Said a very familiar voice. 'Auntie?' I looked at where it came from and saw Kisha. If I'm right then she must be Bella and Cole must be Blaine. I sighed. 'This is gonna be a long day.' I thought as I went in the room.


Sorry for the late update. I was planning on updating this chapter but our wi-fi didn't have signal. No wi-fi, no chapter. Bella and Blaine have blonde hair, Barrett has orange hair (I think it's orange but it might be red) and Brianna, Bonnie and Bruce have black hair. This is by far the shortest chapter I have ever written but I hope you enjoyed.

Fun fact: I like to make jokes. And it's bad.

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