1: Why Don't People Say Skrrt Skrrt

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DISCLAIMER!!: The entire book containing the editted, revamped and FINISHED VERSION of Hold Me and Save Me is on @Atomicblues

The only noise I could hear was my beating heart as I lay in my bed, feeling rather alone as usual, wondering about the future and what it may hold. I never usually can get to sleep, especially when I'm trapped in this sterile scented hell. I sigh and roll over, my back now facing the open window. I close my eyes and try to escape to the dark release of sleep, and felt myself finally begin to get drowsy, slowly feeling myself slip away into some much needed sleep.

I awaken to find a young looking nurse in my room, standing in the doorway, clipboard in hand. I wonder how long she had been standing there for. "Gerard, time to get up." I groan, look at her and roll over. "I dont feel like it." She looks surprised at my reaction, and I can just tell that she had no idea of my reputation around this place. I'd only been here for 3 months and I had already figured the system out. Every month or so, they get new or training nurses to look after the patients here, for about three of four days. The longest someone has ever looked after me was 2 hours, before they quit from my 'lack of participation'. Its hilarious to see people try to keep up with me. The nurse stutters slightly. "W-well you need to get up, right now!" She says weakly, trying to sound angry. "What's your name?" I ask her, sounding amused, smirking my killer smirk. She looks at me shocked, I bet she thinks i've changed from a few seconds ago."Lindsey, why do you want to know?" She looks slightly more relieved when I get out of bed, and walk over to her. "Just a little note Lindsey, don't try to challenge me." The colour drains from her face, I love doing this. I push past her and go into the showers.

A/N hope you enjoy sorry iit kind of rushed, im trying here yall

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