Thirty Seventh

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thank you so so much for being there for me, and giving such sweet thoughts and wishes for me

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thank you so so much for being there for me, and giving such sweet thoughts and wishes for me. I kind of recollected myself and a lot told me i got better. It was all because of you! Thank you for showing how much you care for me, even though im just a random person who needs love and attention at this moment. But we're back in the business. Thank you very much. I love u!!!


1 year later

Jisoo always visited jeonghan and always counted the days since day 1.

"Day 463, I brought you your favorite flower. I know you missed this. Wake up as soon as possible, love. I'd be waiting for you. And this flower." Jisoo said to the camera and stopped it. He put the flowers on top of the table beside him.

Jisoo saved those kind of clips in his laptop since day 1. He's still believing that one day, jeonghan would watch all of those clips.

Some of his friends are already married. While he's still there waiting for his partner to open his eyes and commit to each other.

Seungcheol's guilt is eating him every single day he sees his best friend, eager for his loved one to open up his eyes.

He always seeks Dr. Park for help. But jae doesn't give any help at all. He kept on repeating the same words he said a year before.

"Seungcheol. Are you keeping something from me?" Jihoon confronted his anxious partner, because he noticed that he has been out of focus.

"W-what? N-n-no. Why?" Seungcheol tried to be natural as possible, but his voice kept on trembling.

"We've been together for years, you can't hide anything from me. Spill the beans." Jihoon spoke while crossing his arms.

Seungcheol had been carrying this burden and hiding it for a year and a half now.

Seungcheol looked at his partner for 5-second straight. Until he gave in and suddenly poured his heart out. His tears are flowing nonstop in front of his partner.

Jihoon's glare turned to a soft look for his husband. And he didn't hesitate to hug him in his small figure. He may be small but he still managed to hug seungcheol.

He shushed him, comforted him and kept on rubbing his back, "Thank you for telling me this. You'll be fine. I'm here— shh.... you can tell me anything, babe. Anything, just pour it all out. Shh... you'll be okay. I'm here. I'll always be." He kissed seungcheol's neck, because he couldn't reach him and continued to calm him down.

He lead seungcheol to a chair and comforted him until he stopped crying.

After seungcheol recollected himself, woozi asked him what really happened. "Okay, now, tell me everything, seungcheol. Everything. I don't want any lies. You know what happens when you lie."

"No touching for a week." They both said in unison and it made both of them laugh.

Seungcheol then told jihoon every single thing he has to know. While he was telling him the whole situation, jihoon started to cry, because of the impossibility of jeonghan opening his eyes.

Jihoon cried and cried until seungcheol was the one to pull him to his chest and kissed his head to calm him down. He rubbed his back and both of them continued to cry their hearts out. It's not easy to lose a friend who trusted you and spent most of their time with.

"W-why j-jeonghan hyung? W-why him?" He kept on repeating this statement and gripping seungcheol's shirt.

Seungcheol caressed jihoon's ears and kept on kissing his head to comfort him.

"I love you. Please stop crying." Seungcheol whispered in jihoon's ears. Until jihoon fell asleep in his arms and he hugged jihoon even more and gave him the most comfortable position.

"Why can't we be like that?" Seungkwan asked hansol who's beside him. Luckily, they didn't hear the whole thing, they only saw the two lovebirds crying.

Okay im crying again skskksks nct dream came in our country for a fucking friendship concert which is free... but i couldn't come. If you're an nctzen, you know that when dreamies are in your country, you should at least see one of them like... the world hates me. ㅠㅠ anyways, here's a flop update lmao. Okay bye.

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