16*Turning to the stars

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I woke up in the night to Ev whimpering. I sighed, pulling him from the make-do bed into my arms.

'Shhh.' I hushed into his ear. I felt Phil stirring beside me so I unzipped the tent and slipped on a jacket, making my way towards the doors, with Ev. I sat just outside, feeling the cool air brush my arms, holding Phil's baby firmly to my body as his whimpering became louder.

'Take your grip around the bitter night,

Hold it tight and keep it in your sight.

What seems dark here,

Will surely come around,

And ending all your fears,

Your happiness would be found.

Don't shed any sadness tears,

For I am here with you,

And won't let you have any fright, tonight...'

'You listened?' I turned round to Phil standing in the doorway, a jacket hanging over his shoulders.

I nodded my head, 'I heard you sing it to Ev a couple of nights ago.'

'You have a good memory.'

'I really don't, but it was as if you were singing the song to me. I remember everything you do, anyway.'

'You're cute.'

'I know.' I grinned, closing my eyes at Phil as I did so. I felt him bend down, his lips became pressed against mine, 'It also sounded fucking creepy.' I muttered into the kiss.

'I wasn't going to say anything.' I chuckled at his words.

There was a moment of silence as Phil perched himself next to me. His back was pressed against the doorway and his legs were outstretched towards me.

'Do you want me to take him?' Phil asked, pointing his head towards Ev. I shook my head gently.

'I'm alright.' he nodded, looking out into the distance.


'Hm?' I turned my attention from the baby to Phil, who was still staring outwards.

'If I ever flip, and I've put you or Ev in danger, please take Ev and leave.'

'Phil, I would strap you down until we were safe, if I had to. I couldn't imagine being without you now that I have you.'

'Just, please promise?' I nodded, Phil turned his head towards me.

'I promise.' his lips moved as to say thanks.

'There's one upside to the war: the stars.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well, before the war there were lights everywhere, you couldn't make out the stars, they were drowned out by artificial stars. Don't you remember?' I shook my head.

'I was two when the war began.'

'Oh, I forgot that I was four years older than you, I was six.'

'You forgot you were a paedophile?' I made as a cheeky remark. Phil let out a quiet snort, shaking his head at me.

'Yes Dan, I forgot that you being a few years younger than me and one-hundred percent legal makes me a paedophile.' his tone of voice suggested nothing but sarcasm.

'Glad we're on the same page, at least.' I grinned at him, biting my tongue between my teeth.

Phil leant into me, pecking my lips before collapsing backwards again.

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