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y/n pov

my date with noah was amazing, we went out to eat and got ice cream, everything a girl could wish for. it was one of the best nights of my life. but now it is currently 6:00 am and i have to get up. sadie is in the shower while me and millie do our hair. it's meet and greet day. i picked out some black jeans and a white t-shirt. it was simple but it looked nice, i guess. nothing ever really looks nice in me. 

the hate has definitely escalated. i'm getting dm's, comments, even videos made about me. i'm trying to ignore them, but nothing in really working, they're engraved in my head now. after you've stayed up all night re-reading every single one of them, they stick with you. i mean, they aren't wrong, i could lose a few pounds and maybe work on my style, make a new schedule to work out. i'll try, i've always wanted to, but this gives me a reason to really do it.

when i'm finished i sit on my bed and check my phone.

schnapple bottom jeans :)

noah:)))) : good morning beautiful

y/c/n: hey <3

noah:)))) : you almost ready?

y/c/n: yeah, just waiting for the girls, hbu

noah:)))) : me too, who knew it took so long for gaten to get reading in the morning

y/c/n: haha, i'll be done in a sec. bye <3

noah:)))) : bye <3

i look up to see sadie and millie staring at me. "whatcha smiling about?" they ask. i blush and pack my phone away.

"we ready?" i ask with a satisfied sigh.

"we are." sadie says pointing forward as she walks to the door. i laugh and we take the elevator downstairs. we meet up with the boys and grab a cab to the convention center. noah puts his head on my lap and quickly falls asleep, along with everyone else. apparently 6:00 am is too early for these people. there's nothing to do, so i just stare out the window at the passing city. 

we finally reach the center and we all hop out of the car. security takes to a back room to wait to go out. we all take a water bottle and head to our seats. everything goes smoothly, we aren't open yet, so we just talk. me noah are next to each other with everyone else around us. someone on the intercom announces that the stranger things booths are now open. people come rushing over and start to get into lines. 

everyones lines are packed, but mine is basically nonexistent. i expected this, but it still kinda hurt you know. i worked to be here but everyone just seems to hate me. i just kind of sit there bored and watch noah meet everyone and go to the photo-booth. i can hear all the questions about me and him, most of them throwing hate towards me.

"y/n!" someone yells. i look over and see gaten motioning me to go over. i walk over and see him hugging fans. he asks me to take pictures, and of course i agree. everyone is so excited to meet everyone and i start to wonder if it will ever be like this for me. will everyone  go crazy and love me or hate me? it scares me to think that i'll have to live with everyone constantly hating on me. maybe it'll calm down? 

my phone starts to blow up and i try to find out what's wrong. someone must have taken a picture of me or something, the stranger things instagram account posted a picture of me taking photos on their instagram. people were commenting, all wondering who i was. all of a sudden i look over and noah is pointing at me to someone. 

i excuse myself from gaten and head over. noah and millie are laughing as i walk over.

"what's up?" i ask.

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