Forty Nine

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 important note at the end <3 also, i have nothing against finn, it's just in past chapters he's been the "bad guy" so that's just kinda what happened. love him though. shout out to 
@sxhnapp , love you girl <3 

Y/n Pov


mills: are you almost here?!

y/n/n: almost! is everyone already there??

mills: no it's just me and caleb

y/n/n: k me and noah are on our way


sadiE: bro it's almost time for the dinner

sadiE: where are you

y/n/n: IM SO SORRY 

y/n/n: our uber got lost


frogface: would it be okay if we started the dinner without you guys?

y/n/n: go ahead we're almost there


"Oh my god, how long does it take to walk there?" Noah asks. We're both hungry, grumpy, lost and done with it all. It took our uber and HOUR to get somewhere before we just called it quits and started walking.

"I seriously might call another uber. We were on a plane for four hours inbetween two crying children, who were cute, but still screaming. Noah...should we just go back to the hotel?"

"I don't know babe. Do you want to?"

"Well, I mean they already started."

"It's not that big of a deal, we go a lot anyway."

"Yeah. So..."

"I'll call Shawn." He says and I nod. We stop outside this little cafe and while he talks I go in and get us two iced coffees. When I come back out Noah smiles and me and pecks my lips, wrapping his arms around me. 

Crazy how that calms me down.

I hand him my coffee and we continue to walk as I get an uber. We finally find them and get in. Thankfully, this time they know where they're going. We get back to the hotel and get to our rooms. Me and Noah are rooming together, but we have a joint suite with everyone else.

I walk into the bedroom, drop my stuff on the floor and throw myself on the bed. Noah follows and lays down next to me. When I open my eyes, he's right there. And that's what I want. I want that my entire life.

Growing old with someone isn't something I've ver thought about, but with Noah, it just seems like that's what happens. It's like there wasn't anything else that could happen. It's natural, what it's supposed to happen and that's it. Knowing that he wants that too is even better.


"Are you guys awake?" Someone says at the door. It's like 3 am, who could be awake? I quietly slip out of my bed, trying not to wake Noah up on the other side of the room. I crack the door and look to see who it is. Millie.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask groggily. 

"Um, so I went back with Finn to his room because I left my phone in there and now I can't find him. I know he's probably fine but I'm still really worried. It's late, I know-"

"Hey, hey, calm down, it's okay. Let me grab my phone and get some shoes and I'll help you look." I say and get everything I need. Being it Atlanta, at night, two teenage girls, walking the streets, in tank tops and sweats isn't a good mix.  I shiver and look over at Millie. She hasn't said anything and she looks worried.

"Are you and Finn like, a thing?" I ask, him and Livi broke up a while ago so maybe. She looks down at the ground and laughs.

"To be honest, I don't know. He called me when him and Livi broke up, he was a mess. I guess I just wanted to make him feel better, so when he asked me out I said yes. I wasn't thinking. We were fine, I guess, but then it just went downhill. We were long distance, I would see pictures of him with other girls. Finally we came to an agreement to just cut it off, but we didn't stop. I don't know why I bother with him anymore."

"Oh." I say and look around. We round the corner and see him, standing there texting on his phone, a girl around his neck. I gasp and look over at Millie, who's just shaking her head and looking up at the sky.

"I should've know." She says and turns around. I try to catch up to her, but it's too late, she's already back at the hotel. Instead, I have the idea to go and confront Finn. How dare he hurt Millie. He doesn't know what he lost. 

"Hey, Finn!" I yell, loudly. He snaps his head up and the girl stumbles, looking at me annoyed. 

"Oh, Y/n. What are you doing here?" He asks with a shaky voice.

"Well, I was helping Millie to find you, but here we are." I say.

"Millie, as in Millie Bobby Brown Millie, as your costar?" The girl asks furious. Finn rolls his eyes and she slaps him, storming off.

"Good going." He says all snarky. 

"Hey, it's not my fault you're a player." I say and back off, walking the other way.

"What did you say?"  He says.

"You heard me." I yell back.

"Man, you must have spent all night on that one." I can not believe I am doing this at 4 in the morning with Finn Wolfhard. What has my life come to?

"I'm sorry, was that supposed to be funny?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, aren't you supposed to be skinny, rexi." He says and laughs. I turn around, walk up to him and plant the biggest punch I can on his face. He stumbles back and I grip my hand, feeling the pain. 

He looks me in the eyes, surprised. I wipe away the tear on my cheek and turn around, walking away. 


"What happened?" Noah asks as he wraps his arms around me. I lean into him and let the tears out.

"It's nothing, I'm just melodramatic." I say.

"Y/n, babe, if it's making you cry, or hurt, it's something. Tell me." He says and looks straight into my eyes.

"I'm sure he was just tried, or he didn't mean it, but it's just that me and Finn got in a fight and he called me rexi. It's really nothing, I'm just too sensitive." I say and try to hold him back. he stands up and starts pacing.

"He called you a what?"

"Noah, it's really nothing." I try to say.

"Stop it! It's not nothing! That was hurtful, he knew how terrible that was. I can't believe he'd do that to you." He says and stands there, processing his thoughts. He stops and looks at me and I can see the tears in his eyes. I try to smile and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry." He says into my hair as we stand there.

"Sorry for what?" I ask.

"I'm sorry for not being there, for not loving you like I should. None of this would've ever happened if I was just better." He cries.

"Don't you say that, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Before you, before Stranger Things, I had no one and now I have all of you. I could've never asked for someone better to be my boyfriend. My future husband. The love of my life." I say and try to laugh at the cheesiness.

"You are so amazing, Y/n." 

"I love you."

"I love you."

a/n - 

enjoy this. SOO this is the second to last chapter, which is really hard to say. It feels weird because it feels like all the 'characters' are my children and the storyline is so real. Idk, it's stupid. BUT...THERE WILL BE A PART 2/SEQUEL! Stay tuned for that :)

<3 lilia

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