Forty Six

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i was thinking that i would make it to fifty chapters, what do you think?

Noah Pov

My eyes open and for a moment, I'm confused. Surrounding me are the walls of random buildings and the hands of Y/n around me. I sit up and she slowly falls into my lap. We sit there, her asleep as I wonder what time it is. 

I look down at her phone. It's the next morning. I guess we were both too drained to wake up. She needs the sleep though, she's so close to her goal weight and anything could help. She stirs and slowly opens her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asks and sits up, stretching.

"Almost six am." I say.

"What? We've been sleeping here the entire time?" She asks, surprised.

"Yeah." I laugh and push her hair behind her ears. She leans back and lays her head on my shoulder, adjusting to get more comftorable. 

"This is nice, we should do it more often." She says and closes her eyes.

"What, sleep in sketchy alleyways?" I ask, looking down at her.

"Yeah, exactly that." She says and laughs. I pull her closer and we just sit there in silence. But it's not uncomftorable. We're never uncomftorable. Even in the beginning stages of our relationship it was all just...natural. 

"We should probably leave. People must think we went missing or something." She says, and she's right. We went to the pier and then just disappeared. My phone buzzes and I see the millions of notifications from everyone.

Y/n looks at me and I stand up, pulling her up. She stumbles and I catch her, looking down affectionally. She smiles grateful and continues to walk. Ever since things changed I started to view her body differently. It's not like I cared before, but now she always looks so petite. 

One of the most satisfying things to have happened was seeing her regain her confidence. It was a small sign that the girl I knew was coming back. I'm so ready to help her through anything and everything.


"Where have you been?" My mother yells as she wraps her arms around me.

"I was with Y/n, don't worry." I say and hug her back. She looks me all over, checking that I'm not hurt. I laugh at her and she gives me a stern look.

"Don't you ever do that again." She says and kisses me on the cheek. Chloe and my dad stand in the background, looking happy to see me. My phone lights up and a familiar name goes on the screen. Y/n. I walk into my room and pick up.

"What's up?" I ask and I hear her laughing on the other end.

"How'd it go with your parents?" She asks and I can hear Livi in the background, probably watching Netflix. 

"Pretty good, my mom was freaking out, but that's normal. How about you?" I ask.

"My mom was practically in tears! Livi slapped me, but it was so funny. I guess it's kinda reassuring to know that they were all worried." She says.

"Yeah." I say.

"Well, I better go. Love you." She says.

"Love you." I say back and hang up.

She's perfect.

a/n -


<3 lilia

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