Twenty One

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Chlorine - Twenty One Pilots

Y/n Pov

The part last night drained me. My immune system is not happy with me. I just need to eat breakfast and go workout so I can get back into routine. Green tea and a couple laps outside sounds like an amazing morning. 

Noah already headed out for set, so I'm left all alone. When I first got this job I literally had no idea what to expect, but now that I know what to do, I'm so glad I'm an actor. Filming already finished, it only took four months, but special effects and all things like that are still coming up.

The Duffers want us all around to be able to give input or just be together so it's easier to communicate during the process. All of that ends pretty soon, and I must say that I'm kinda sad. I already signed for season four, but that'll take a while before we even begin to think about that. 

I just can't wait to get home. LA is where my entire life is, and I can't wait to be back at my apartment with my mom and my routine there. Routine is what keeps me grounded and without it I don't know what I would do.

"Y/n, you almost done?" Noah asks. 

"Woah! I thought you left?"

"Oh sorry!"

"No, no it's fine! What's up?"

"I texted you, guess you didn't see it. The Duffers wanted your opinion on something so I got Finn to drive us. Almost ready?"

I look down at my shorts and t-shirt. 

"Let me change real quick."


Finn Pov

I watch as Y/n and Noah race each other to the car. 

"I've literally been waiting for ten minutes. What took you so long?"

"I didn't know I was coming, sorry Finn."

"You are forgiven. Get in the car."

"Yes sir!"


Y/n Pov

"So, Y/n we just wanted your opinion on what we're gonna do with Sarah's last scene. As you know she falls off the cliff at the quarry and just before she hits the water she's taken to the upside down and all. Me and Ross were thinking about maybe having an extra scene at the end of the a scene with Sarah waking up in the void. Our only issue is we can't decide on what to do with her, since this was really last minute. Any ideas?"

"Well, I think she should wake up, on her back, sit up and like let out the loudest scream I could do. Like she just screams and then it's over, black screen."

"Oh, I like that. What kind of effects do you think could work?"

"Like, everything is just black. My voice should ring, so when the screen goes black you can still hear it. Make it echo and be haunting."

"Great. Thank you so much Y/n!"

"No problem."


a filler.

<3 lilia

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