Forty Eight

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I never thought this day would come. I never thought I would be able to stand here and say that I am healing. That I am breathing, that I am ready to take on anything I need to. I look over my room. All my clothes, everything I need to have is packed away in my suitcases.

My entire life here is coming with me to Atlanta to shoot season 5 of ST. Everything here has a memory attached to it. Good and bad, but I'm ready to leave it behind and move on. I'm ready to be me. To leave my old self here in this room and to leave forever. To move on.

Finally, I'm moving on.

This is my goodbye to anorexia, to LA, to my family for a while, to my life here. After I step outside of what used to be the apartment I've lived in my entire life, I'm starting a new chapter of my life. I letting go and letting it all fall away to dust.

I'm ready.

"Are you ready?" My mom asks as she stands in the doorway.

"Ready." I say and nod, I'm ready to say goodbye. After this LA will be apart of my past. Everything that happened here will be apart of my past. And I'm so excited and ready for this new chapter.

I walk through one last time, taking in what it all looks like, trying to remember a time that I wasn't here, that I didn't live in the wonderful city of Los Angeles. It's my time. My time to leave it behind and to move on.

I step out and breathe in the air, standing still and letting it take over me. I'm flooded with emotions and memories. With everything I've ever loved. This is a place I feel at home. My eyes open and I continue to walk to my uber with my mom. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and we walk like that, stopping to get into the car.

"Are you okay?" She asks as we settle down. I nod and smile, looking out the window and saying my final goodbyes.

"Come one, don't be sad." Livi says and I smile at her.

"Yeah, be happy!" Noah says and I laugh at his perkiness. I roll my eyes and lay my head on the window.

This city may not feel like home anymore, but these people will always be my home.

a/n -

i'm missing something i never lost.

<3 Lilia

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