Thirty One

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Y/n Pov

"Y/n, you look stunning." Laila says as she smooths out my dress.

"You really think so?"

"Uh, yes! This dress suits you perfectly, I knew simple was the best way to go. And your hair is gorgeous. I really outdid myself." She says and hugs me. Her compliments are the absolute best. She really knows how to lift you up and boost your confidence.

Millie walks in and we both gawk about how amazing we both look. She has a body con red dress and I have a mid thigh black dress. Sadie walks in and we both squeal as we look at her emerald dress.

"You all look amazing!" Laila says as she pulls out her phone.

"Smile!" She says as she snaps a picture of all three of us. 

"Oh my gosh, I can't wait for tonight!" Millie says as we all hug Laila and head out to the hotel lobby to wait for the boys. 

"I know right? All the hard work is paying off."

"Yeah. I've never seen any of us work as hard as we did this season. It's going to be truly amazing."

"Remember when I first joined the cast and we were all so awkward. I sometimes just remember a moment from then and just laugh about it with Noah."

"You two are seriously the cutest-"

"Did I hear my name?" Noah asks as he stands in the doorway. He's wearing a blue velvet blazer and white pants with these really cool red and blue sneakers. I love how particular he is with his shoes. Sometimes he'll just go off on a random pair of Nike shoes and it's the most adorable thing.

"Yep. Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"They're coming." He says as he sits next me and puts his arm around my shoulders. I would put my head on his shoulder, but I don't want to ruin my hair. 

"I know this is weird, but you smell like really good." I say to him. He laughs and pulls out a little cologne bottle.

"It's the one that you picked out at the mall."

"Really? Aww, it smells just like that sweatshirt you gave me."

"Oh yeah! Do you still have that along with all the t-shirts and sweats you stole?"

"Yep, it's sooo comftorable."

"I didn't say this before, but you look beautiful."

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I say and kiss his cheek, leaving a light lipstick stain.

"Did you...?"

"Mhm." I say and he laughs, wiping it off. I act offended and kiss him again, putting another on his cheek. He bursts out laughing, but leaves it. It's a statement piece.

"We're ready!" Caleb yells as him, Joe, Finn, Gaten, Charlie, David, Natalia, Winona, Robin, Priah and Dacre walk off the elevator. We all walk out to the limo and climb in. Never in a million year would I have thought that at this exact time right now I'd be in a limo, best friends and a boyfriend on my way to the premier to a tv show that I starred on. My life really took a turn for the better.

My mom and Livi are back home in LA watching from home. I really wished that they could come, but we weren't able to get enough plane tickets. I miss them, but as long as I have Noah and my friends by my side, I can do this.


We pull up and the driver lets us all out. Me and the girls all go around to the restrooms before going onto the carpet. This is my first official carpet and I'm slightly terrified. Since this is a TV show and not a movie, we will watch the first couple episodes. I can't wait for the after party though.

We all finish and I meet with Noah to go on. Finn and Sadie go out first, then Caleb, Gaten and Millie, Natalia, Charlie, Dacre and Joe, Winona and David, and last but not least, me and Noah.  He puts his hand on my back and we stop every couple steps to take pictures. A reporter comes up.

"Hey guys! Today I have with me Noah Schnapp and Y/n L/n! So, Y/n how's your first time on the carpet going."

"Pretty good, a lot of pictures."

"Of course! What's it like seeing all your hard work pay off."

"Satisfying and relieving." Noah says. She talks for another minute and we begin to leave the carpet. Took long enough. I haven't even been here that long and my feet already hurt.

That's heals for you.


I lay back on my pillow and take out my phone. It's around one am and Noah's already asleep. I would be too, but I got a LOT of notifications on my phone from instagram. I just wanna check and make sure everyones not dying.

I posted a picture on my story of Noah that he had sent me earlier that week and a picture of me and Millie in our dresses. It made me smile and I wanted to share it with the world. For some reason a whole lot of people are reacting to it (picture at the top of Noah!).


User 1: why does he even like you?

User2: you GAINED some weight girl

User3: what happened????? you used to be so skinny!!!!

User4: no offense, but like ur super fat now :|

User5: maybe cut back on a couple meals???

User6: please just stop eating, you could drop a couple hundred.

User7: you need a diet gggggiiiiirrrrrllllll

User8: remind me again....WHY DOES NOAH LIKE UUUU

User9: fat

User10: uglYYY

Good to know I'm so loved. Tears trickle down my face as I snuggle up to Noah. He subconsciously pulls his arms tighter around me and buries his head in my hair. I let out a little sniffle and let the tears fly. 

I thought it had stopped.



<3 lilia

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