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y/n pov

we get to the beach and i immediately rip off my cover dress and run into the water, noah behind me. he picks me up and throws me into the water, sending me into a wave. it pulls me around and when i surface, noah's gone.

"noah?" i say, worriedly. out of nowhere he comes up from behind me and picks me up by the waist. noah twirls me around and runs onto the sand. we put our towels out and lay back, all of a sudden tired. 

"the sunset is almost as pretty as you." noah says looking over at me. 

i lean over and kiss his cheek, we both fall back onto the towels. i get bored and try to pull noah up and we run off into the water. the water is cold and there's sand in my swimsuit, but noah makes it all the better. we stand in each others arms as the calm waves come crashing by us. the sun is fully gone and we see a small little fin poke up.

i screech, noah picks me up and we're off back onto land. 

"look at the little guy, you were afraid of that!" noah says, pointing at the baby shark.

"oh shush, you were scared too! besides, it's time we get back to the hotel." i say punching his arm. he grabs my hand and walk back to his car, the waves creating a perfect moment.


we reach the hotel and head up to our room. the lights are dimmed and the staff workers give us looks for coming in so late. noah's hand makes it's way across my back and rests around my waist, pulling me closer. no one in the world right now could make me happier. noah looks at me and out of no where he starts to sprint down the hallway. i run after him and catch up quickly, passing in no time.

"haha, i won." i say sticking out my tongue. 

"how can you run that fast!" noah says as he FINALLY reaches the room. i just flick my hair and open up the door. cool air from the ac hits me immediately and i lose all sense of warmth. it's not like i'm really that warm these days either, and fuzz has started to pop up on my body. just a side effect of losing weight, i guess.

"wanna take a shower, swimsuits on of course?" noah asks, a hint of nervousness laced in his voice. i nod and smile, going to turn on the hot water. when it's all heated up me and noah step into the shower, sand immediately starts to fall out of my thick hair.

"this'll be fun." i say upset, trying to wash the sand out.


noah pov

"this'll be fun." y/n says as she wipes her hair around. it falls gracefully on her back and she giggles when she notices me staring. right now i want only two things, for y/n to see herself from my eyes, and to hold her. i wonder if she knows how beautiful and amazing she is. she puts about a pound of shampoo in her hair and begins to work it through.

"ahhh." she says and starts to hold her eye. 

"get it in your eye?" i ask, and she nods trying to get it out. her eye turns a bright red and she begins to pout at the growing pain. 

"here, hold still." i say, as i cup her face with my hands. she opens her eye and lets the water run through, the red beginning to fade. she smiles at me and i hold her close.

this beautiful girl, right here, is my girlfriend. 

a/n -

thanks for the reads!

<3 lilia

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