Free At Last (Sage's POV)

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I sat in my seat, constantly looking back at Tate who was about three rows behind me to the left. My eyes kept jumping from him to the clock; thirty more minutes until the final bell and then school would be out for the summer.

I tapped my foot anxiously, my leg shaking as I waited impatiently.

"Calm down." Tate mouthed to me with a grin, noticing how impatient I was.

"I can't!" I mouthed back, my eyes flickering up at the clock just behind him. twenty-nine more minutes.

"Okay, class! That was the final test. Feel free to move about the room as you wait for the final bell." Mr.Green, our English teacher said as the last test was handed in.

I nearly jumped out of my seat, grabbing my bag as I rushed over to Tate's desk.

He smiled as I approached, scooting his chair back as I dropped my backpack beside him.

"Time is passing by so slowww." I whined as I took a seat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He chuckled, giving me a peck on the cheek. "I know what you mean, but you just have to relax for a little longer."

I pouted at him. I didn't want to relax. I wanted to leave this hell already. Those two months of vacation were calling my name and I was more than prepared to answer.

"Don't pout at me!" He laughed, poking me in the side.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I teased playfully.

"You'll see." He smirked.

I giggled, kissing him. Our dynamic just worked.

"Hey guys." A boy named Andrew said as he walked over, taking a seat at the empty desk beside us. "Any big plans for break?"

"Probably spending most of it with this girl." Tate smiled, bouncing his legs which caused me to move up and down.

Andrew laughed, "Sounds like a real blast."

"Don't be jealous, Andrew!" I remarked, "Just because Vanessa dumped you for Shane doesn't mean you can go shitting on other peoples relationships."

Andrew rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," Andrew began, making eye contact with Tate. "I was thinking, at some point over break we should get together and have a guys night." He said, squinting at me to say I wasn't invited.

"I dunno dude." Tate laughed, his hold around me tightening, "I may be pretty busy with other things." Tate winked at me.

Andrew groaned, his head falling back. "Tate! Man! Come onnnnn! Don't let me spend summer break alone!"

"Get a girlfriend or a job then." Tate laughed, "Keep yourself busy."

Andrew sighed at the thought.

"I dunno, Tate," I chimed in, "I think some guy time would be good for you every once in awhile."

Tate raised an eyebrow at me.


"Yeah! I mean after all, we all know Andrew can't get either of what you just suggested." I stated, causing him to laugh.

"Hey!" Andrew yelled, "Are you implying I can't get a job?"

"No," I laughed. "I'm implying that you can't get a job or a girlfriend." I corrected.

"That's cold, Sage." Andrew laughed knowing that I was joking, "That's real cold."

I smiled as I gave him a wink.

We continued talking with Andrew until the final bell rang, signalling that class was dismissed.

Immediately I sprang up, grabbing my backpack and Tate's hand, dragging him out of the classroom and down the halls towards the exit.

As I dragged him out to the parking lot, I tossed him the keys.

I didn't feel like driving today, so instead I would make him drive.

"Summer break!" I cheered as we got into the car.

As Tate drove I looked out the window, watching as people continued to flood out the school doors, racing to their cars with anticipation to begin their summer break.

Mindlessly, my hand managed to creep over to Tate's whose rested on the stick shift; slipping into it as I continued to stare out the window as the world passed us by.

The ride home was filled with plans for the first week of break, and how we couldn't wait to spend time together.

"Oooh! We could go to the amusement park!" I suggested.

"As long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter." Tate would say to nearly every single one of my suggestions.

I rolled my eyes, "Y'know, you have a say right?" I giggled softly as I glanced over at him.

"I know." He grinned. "But I'm perfectly happy doing whatever you wanna do."

I sighed, shaking my head. "It's not just about me, Tate." I stated. "It's about us, and if you want to do something in particular I'd be more than happy to do that too!"

Tate glanced over at me, letting his eyes linger on me only a couple seconds before he looked back at the road. "I just want to spend time with you, Sage." He answered. "I don't care what we do, where we go, or who we're with." He explained, "As long as I'm with you, I can promise that I'll be the most happy guy in the entire world."

"So let's say I wanted to go underwear shopping with Skyler." I said, testing the factuality of his words. "And then to go get our nails done before going to watch some awful romance movie that you absolutely hate." I further explained, "You'd still be happy, go with me, and not complain at all?"

"Not even once." He answered with a laugh.

I shook my head, "You truly are something, Langdon."

Once home we raced upstairs to my room.

"Home sweet home!" I sighed, throwing my bag aside as I fell face first onto my bed.

Tate chuckled, sitting down beside me.

"Do you remember the day we started dating?" I asked randomly, turning onto my side to face him.

"March first." He answered without hesitation. "We've been dating for three months now."

I smiled, "You remembered!"

"Why wouldn't I?" Tate laughed.

I shrugged in response.

"I'll forever remember that day as the day the girl of my dreams asked me out." Tate smiled, brushing my hair out of my face.

I scooted over to be closer to him, resting my head on his lap. "I love you so much, Tate."

"I love you even more." He smiled.

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