Painful Thoughts (Sage's POV)

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I sat on my bed with my legs criss crossed as I began the process of folding the baby clothes I had received from my mother's work friends, Skyler and her mom, Constance, and a couple teachers and other faculty from school that had given them to Tate.

I kept telling myself that I only had to survive one more month, one more excruciating month.

Tate was currently away at school, leaving me with eight hours to myself. I usually tried to keep myself busy with little things; folding clothes, cleaning and sanitizing baby bottles and pacifiers, staging them for when the baby arrives. Anything that would keep me occupied for a prolonged amount of time.

I let out a sigh, folding the last item as I began to look around the room. There was nothing left for me to do now.

I began to weigh my options; I could refold all the clothes and sanitize all the bottles again, or I could venture out to the treehouse one last time before the baby arrives.

If I went now, I wouldn't have to listen to Tate constantly worrying over every step I took. I would get some alone time, some time to breathe and think by myself, which I didn't often these days. Being trapped inside, I forced myself to focus on preparing for the baby and for the future. I hadn't given myself any time to just think about how I was feeling.

Making my decision, I scooted off towards the side of the bed, using what little strength I had to lift myself up.

I sighed at the sight of my favorite beat up high tops, unable to wear them with all the swelling in my feet. I slid on the most comfortable shoes I now owned, fuzzy blue house slippers.

I checked my appearance in the vanity mirror. I was wearing my mother's old grey pregnancy sweatpants, a black maternity tank top and Tate's long brown sweater. A real fashion statement if I do say so myself.

My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head, a product done by Tate a couple of days ago when I had terrible morning sickness; something I just can't seem to get over even being this far along with the pregnancy. 

I sighed, feeling absolutely disgusting as I exited my room, making my way towards my greatest enemy; stairs.

I took a deep breath as I firmly grasped the wooden railing. "God don't fail me now." I mumbled under my breath as I took the first step down.

Once I had finally reached the bottom, after many breaks in between, I was extremely out of breath. If I had known pregnancy was going to be this much of a work out, I would've considered becoming pregnant rather than taking P.E. freshman year; this was a much better work out than those dumb exercises they made us do then. 

I considered taking a seat on the bottom step to catch my breath, but decided against it when I realized I would inevitably have to pull myself back up; a challenge I wasn't willing to face alone right now.

I grabbed my mother's car keys off the table near the entrance before waddling out the door.

As I walked towards the car I laughed to myself, realizing the real reason why pregnant women waddled; they physically can't walk properly with another human being inside of them.

I had to move the seat back before I began the struggle of actually getting into the driver's seat, my precious baby girl making even driving a hassle.

Once in, I let out a big sigh; once again very much out of breath.

As I pulled the seatbelt down, I ran the game plan of putting it on in my mind. First, get the bottom part underneath the belly, then get the top part between the breast and click it.

~ ~ ~

Once I had arrived at the forest I put the car in park before unbuckling my seatbelt. My next challenge was going to be somehow getting out of the car I was wedged into.

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