Inside Your Mind.

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Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

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A gun shot. A bomb roaring as if flew overhead. What sounded like propellers going off awoke Hex as she shook her head and dangled her feet over the side of the bed. Stretching, she stood up and made her way to her closet and quickly changed. There was a knock at the door as she shuddered and looked back.

Five waved and walked in her room.

"Klaus told me," he said sitting on her bed as she ruffled her hair softly and looked to him.

"Right," she sighed pulling her tags from under her shirt.

"Where did you two go?"

"Vietnam War."

She looked to her feet as she walked over to Five and sat next to him. Her hands in her lap.

"I like the haircut," he muttered as she glared at him.

"No really," he said softly, "it does look good on you."

She nodded as he grabbed her tag.

"Hargreeves, Theo."

"Couldn't exactly go by Theodora now could I," She groaned standing up. "And I don't even know my last name."

"Why didn't you just go join a nurses station?"

"Wouldn't make sense— plus there was a possibility that Klaus and I could have been separated, and— we grew attached."


"There was a guy," she started, clicking her tongue as she shut the door and stood on it. Making sure nobody was going to hear her. She shrugged and folded her arms.

"He befriended the both of us— fairly fast. He helped me— become a—a man for months. He would help tape me up and he would shave my hair— he would help Klaus on the nights that I couldn't and broke down myself."

"It was a war, you shouldn't be expected to always help him."

"It wasn't only the fucking war," she hissed.

He stiffened.

"Then what was it?"

"Grace— She-she's-" she cleared her throat, "she's dead, Five. And then when I went to go try and find you— cause I thought those two idiots in the masks caught you— they killed a women of the police— I called for help but didn't even try and save her—I had to find you— well— Klaus. That's when we traveled back. Then when Dave died— I-I can't," she ran her hands through her hair as she fell to the floor. "I'm a goddamn mess! I can't save anyone! Your father was fucking right about me! I-I can't do any good-"

"You fucking shut up now!" He hissed as she looked to him.

Her whole torso was shaking as she had realized the lights had been glowing brighter and brighter and were about to break. She looked to her hands glowing as she shook them.

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