Chapter 13

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"I will not mind giving them a little push and escaping," Topaz said. Their heads turned to her with a look of doubt and curiosity. "How?" Lucius asked. Topaz waves him off and said, "As long as they are free and in one piece does it matter 'how'?" Lucius was about to say something but was cut off by Tom, "I don't trust you but" glances at Corvus, "He does, and our options are limited." Topaz nodded and said, "I might be neutral, but I will not harm your family." my mate might be one of them.

Tom's voice died down his throat as he and the others watch her leave. "If she is not a witch then what is she?" Draco asked looking at Corvus, who shook his head, "That's something you should ask her,"

I don't like cold waters . That prison better not be far. Topaz swam at a fast speed toward the triangle shape prison.

"Siri, are you there?" Bellatrix said. Sirius rolled his eyes, "Rabastan and Rodolphus are asleep aren't they." She giggles like a school girl which confirms his words. I need to get out of here! Sirius wonders pacing around his small cell.

His little prayer was answered by a pop of a bubble destroying part of his cell along with Bellatrix, Rabastan, and Rodolphus, who were  woken up from the blast. They didn't miss a beat about jumping into the rough waters since it was better than having your soul sucked out by a dementor.

Topaz eyes followed them as they descent down into the waters which the moment they made contact with the water. Topaz put them in a light slumber, three leatherback turtles caught their bodies and swam alongside Topaz back to the main land.

"Draco, why don't you give a tour to Corvus," Narcissa said.

Draco nodded and stood up with Corvus following behind him. "I'm going to research on how to remove magic blockers without letting the one who did it know," Narcissa said, excusing herself to the library leaving Tom and Lucius at the table.

"Lucius, I will need you to be alert at the ministry because if she succeeds in getting them out of Azkaban, then you will have to make it seem as if it was a low-rank death eater," Tom said.

Lucius nodded his agreement, "They will have to stay here. We cannot afford someone seeing them and recognizing them. Dumbledore will not be able to do anything since I already have a plan to keep him from sending a search party after them."

Tom places his chin on top of his folded hands a smirk on his lips as he asked, "Do share that plan of yours,"

"The prison itself its surrounded by rough waters and the only way to get out is by apparate, but that cannot be done in there. Flying is out of the question so they would have to jump in the ocean. Which we can use as to say they were killed by the rough waves." Lucius said. Tom smirk grows as he spoke liking the plan which truly does sound believable.

"Are you going to continue to attend Hogwarts?" Draco asked. The tour finish and they were sitting in Corvus room. "Yes, but I will have to wear the glamour and continue to pretend that I'm Harry Potter," Corvus said. Draco sighs seeing how much Corvus didn't want to act no more because they would have to pretend that they were enemies. I wanted Mother and Father to adopt Corvus, but knowing he will not get adopted might be good for our friendship or maybe more... However, he is a Gryffindor unless...

Corvus tilted his head seeing Draco in deep thought, his curiosity building up when Draco's eyes lit up as if he has just come up with an idea.

"I have a plan that can throw off the headmaster for a little while but you will have to wear the glamour but only when you attend classes," Draco said, a smile on his face as he jumps to his feet and grabs Corvus by the wrist. "Come we have to tell this to mother first so she can then tell father who will tell Tom. There will be no way they will disagree with my plan," Draco said.

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