Chapter 19

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Lucius wrote a quick and simple letter to Tom. Lucius knows he could just apparate to his manor and tell him in person but something held him back from doing so. "Now do tell what is worrying you?" Tom asked after apparenting into Malfoy's manor right in front of Lucius who was sitting behind a desk. Lucius was not really surprise that Tom would visit him unannounced since they both had a connection of sorts which even Lucius was not sure what it was.

Tom walks around the desk, sitting on it waiting for answer from Lucius who is someone he treasured. Lucius sighs dragging his eyes upward to look into beautiful red eyes which did bring the thought as to why Tom has not taken anyone to be at his side as a lover.

"I think that I might be losing my wife," Lucius said. Tom gives him a questioning look, "Elaborate," Lucius tears his gray eyes away from Tom, "I don't know how but I see how she is close to Topaz who knows nothing about our world and she shared her clothes. Which is something she would honestly would never do and something else that I'm not sure about," Tom only sign that he is paying attention is placing a hand on Lucius shoulder, I honestly doubt that girl is clueless as we assume and this is even more reason for me to find out more.

"Your marriage was arranged and love was not part of the arrangement. Narcissa wouldn't do anything stupid to ruin the good Malfoy name you know this," Lucius nodded relaxing slightly under the warm hand on his shoulder.

Tom moved his hand down the length of Lucius arm, goosebumps were sure to be there under Lucius clothed arm. If his slight intake of breath was anything to go by.

"Now then tell me how did the press conference go?" Tom asked his hand landing on the chair arm rest, moving Lucius so he would be facing him instead of looking down at papers.

Lucius told him everything that happened at the press conference and the conversation with Dumbledore.

Tom hums in approval from hearing how McGonagall gave the headmaster a piece of her mind. How Tom wished to actually have her as his teacher instead of Dumbledore. Hmm, maybe I can get her to my side.

Lucius watches how Tom get lost in his own mind, most likely planning something. "When will the sorting hat arrive?" Tom asked, but before Lucius could even answer him a soft tap on the window. Lucius stood up and made his way to the window, Tom follows Lucius movement with his eyes. Lucius is aware Tom's eyes on him which only confuse him more, he opens the window.

A light brown owl stood there holding the sorting hat in his talon, Lucius takes the hat from the owl and gives it a treat for his long journey.

"Rang!" Lucius calls an elf pop inside the room it big eyes looking up at Lucius, "Yyes mastterr?" Rang asked his voice squeaks to Lucius dislike. His face scrunched up in this taste which made Tom let out an amuse chuckle.

"Tell my wife to come to my study and to bring Corvus," Lucius said.

Rang nodded his big ears flapping as he moves his head up and down before proofing himself out.

"You really do have a dislike for house elves," Tom said. Lucius shrugged he mostly let Narcissa deal with the house elves since he didn't have much patience for them.

Narcissa enters his study follow by Corvus, his son and Topaz.

Narcissa didn't seem surprise to see Tom present instead she told Corvus to take a seat on a chair near the fireplace.

Lucius moves toward Corvus, sorting hat in hand. Draco stood at Corvus right watching his father, "You ready?" Corvus nodded.

However, Tom's eyes shifted toward Topaz making him wonder if he could try legilimency on her but he is not going to risk it without truly knowing what she is capable of.

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