Chapter 52

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(A/N: triggering event about to happen if you can't read it please skip it. Do remember in this fanfiction Dumbledore is not good.)

Corvus kept his gaze on Professor McGonagall who was not paying attention to Dumbledore as she spoke which was uncommon for her to do. Even less not keeping watch over her lions which Corvus found odd because she always did that the time he was in that house. So whatever was on her mind might be something heavy and he was planning on making it even more heavy for what he had to tell her. He thought of not doing it now but later in a few days but he knew it had to be now since there was no point in waiting any longer.

"How do we go on doing this?" Theodore asked in a low voice as the headmaster gave his welcoming speech to the returning students from winter break.

"Not speaking about it while we are in the great hall is a good way to start," Pansy said in low voice.

Theodore nodded and they waited still they were back in their common room to speak but they were not there for long when Corvus said, "I need to talk to Professor McGonagall," he did not wait for their reply and quickly left.

Corvus knew the way to her office like that back of his hand, taking the steps two at a time. He managed to calm down before he knocked on the door.

It took what felt like a minute but could have been a few seconds when he heard her say come in.

Corvus found her sitting on a arm chair in front of the fire looking older than what she was not like he knew how old she really was but it just made her look older. By how her face was pale, frown tugging at her lips.

"Um, Professor are you alright?" Corvus asked.

She lifted her head a slight widen of her eyes not expecting him to visit her that she straighten up.

"I'm alright but what brings you here?"

Corvus shook his head and went ahead to sit in the other arm chair.

"Please, Professor be honest with me and tell me what is wrong? because I need your help and we will not get anywhere if we are not honest with each other," said Corvus.

Those words were it that let out the tears. Corvus was surprise because he didn't expect her to cry and that left him clueless on what to do since it was not a friend crying but an adult.

*Trigger begins*

He patiently waiting still she calmed down and wipe away her tears with a shaky voice she said, "I left for two day this winter break only return today to find one of my cubs...." she took a deep breath and said, "in the dormitory naked with fresh bruises and blood. I didn't want to think about it but when Pomfrey confirmed my fears that he was raped..."

Corvus gulped, hand tightening on the arm chair, it was Dumbledore.

*Trigger end*

He took a deep breath and exhaled, "Then please help him down so that doesn't happen to no other student,"

McGonagall looked at him a little taken aback by his serious look that didn't fit a child this age and could see how he was force to grow up fast. Something she didn't approve because children should be able to be children not grow this fast.

"How? he has influence in the ministry," she said.

"I know, but that's because some of them don't know the truth of what he wants like killing an innocent man."

"What do you mean?" she asked and he told her the story of who he is and what he has been through.

He gave her a summarize version of all of it in which she absorbed it all and many emotions passed by her face from disgust to happy.

"What do we need to do?" she asked sounding like the familiar McGonagall like the proud lioness she is.

Corvus smiled and told her the plan.

(PS. what they are talking about will be seen in the next chapter when its put to action)

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