Chapter 42

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It seemed like Herbology class was lasting a eternity for Corvus who's mind  was coming up with many different scenarios of what she wanted to talk to him about that he could barely focus in class. That if it was not for Cecelia doing most of the work he was sure he would have gotten detention or more like be told off. Since he has not know of Professor Sprout to give out detention.

"That should be all for today, so clean up and your free to go," Professor Sprout said.

It was like the students had rockets by how quickly they cleaned up and started to leave.

Corvus hoped he could sneak away to avoid the conversation but a nagging feeling inside told him not to and Cecelia didn't give off an air of malice. Instead, it looked to Corvus who glanced at her frequently during class that she didn't want to be near him as much but she wanted-no-needed to get something done.

Which peeked Corvus interest especially when she is the first person of his family that he will meet.

"Come over here," Cecelia said.

Draco glanced toward them and Corvus waved away his worried as he followed Cecelia behind one of the greenhouses.

"I'll get straight to the point,"

Corvus nodded urging her to continue.

"Your sudden appearance as a member of our family was a surprise to my father who is the current head of the family. You are my cousin since your father was my father's younger brother who my father envied because of his charisma and skill as a Curse breaker. Who even got to work with the best Curse breaker of the century who attended this same school. Either way my purpose here other than my father not liking my boyfriend who I had to break with before coming here. Is to find out what you plan to do and to stop you from dragging our family name through the mud." Cecelia said.

Corvus blinks rapidly as he process all of that along with thinking what he should say. He took a deep breath and exhaled as he stood up straight presenting himself as serious and calm. Because he doesn't want to ruin this by what he says since from what he has gather from what she said. They are not happy about his sudden appearance and he could feel the pride of the family by how she spoke but also her dislike of them.

"I have no intention of putting this family in shame or even know what I will do when I graduate Hogwarts because I currently focus on dealing with surviving this battle of good and evil that is brewing. No matter how much I don't want to be involve and just want to live a peaceful life its difficult at the moment," Corvus said.

Cecelia crossed her arms and said, "I understand, we have been keeping up with what is happening here in England. If I maybe ask who's are you on?"

Corvus narrowed his eyes at her who dropped her arms and raised her hands in surrender.

"I am just curious and I am not a spy or anything," she said.

Corvus nodded, slowly not sure if she was telling the truth so he went ahead and asked, "What do you think about Dumbledore?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Honestly, I found him a little creepy," she said and noted how Corvus shoulder relaxed.

"I kind of can see what side you picked," Corvus stiffens and she smiles, "don't worry I don't judge and if you need help I would give my assistance."

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