Chapter 40

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"Any ideas what this announcement is?" Theodore asked and Blaise shook his head.

"But it is has to be important that even Topaz showed up," Corvus said, looking at the head table where Topaz sat next to Professor Snape who was whispering to her. In what Corvus guess is to keep her there.

Dumbledore stood up, "Now if I could have your attention," every student stopped eating or talking to their neighbor to look up at the headmaster.

"Its not often that Hogwarts has transfer students," said Dumbledore as two students walk in from the main doors. A girl and a boy walked side by side up to the head table.

They turned around to face the rest of the students, mumbles and whispers erupted from each table.

Draco leaned closer to Corvus, "Is it me or you look like that girl when you are not wearing your glamour." Corvus eyes were glued to the guy standing next to her with his black hair framing his handsome face that was carved from marble. Sapphires eyes that shone brightly standing out in his pale skin that was dusted with freckles that appeared to run down the rest of his body. But Corvus could tell that he took care of his body. That the uniform did a good job in defining his athletic built.

"Give up, Draco," Daphne said, "I think that guy capture him."

Draco narrowed his eyes at her and turn to look at the guy who he couldn't denied was handsome.

"Hey, its it me or is Topaz glaring at the guy?" Pansy asked.

*With Topaz and Severus*

"Why are glaring at him?" asked Severus.

"That is a half veela but also prince." Topaz said and Severus eyes widen slightly but he cover his surprise quickly.

"We will talk about this later," he said.

Topaz rolled her eyes, "There not much to say about this" said Topaz sitting back as Dumbledore continued, "These two have already been sorted. Cecilia Griffin take your place with your fellow Hufflepuff," Hufflepuff's cheered.

"She really might be related to Corvus," Draco said.

"We can't be sure of that," Pansy said, "they might share the same last name but she could have come to kill him."

"Damian Dravonicavich take your place with your fellow Gryffindor," Dumbledore said and the Gryffindor table cheered. 

"Not only her but also him," Blaise said.

Theodore raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Because many know this but he is a prince," Blaise said.

"Well things just got even more interesting," Daphne said, crossing her arms.

 *Slytherin common room*

Corvus frowned a blush on his cheeks, "I can't believe I stared at him..."

"Maybe it love at first sight?" Theodore said and got pinched by Blaise but Theodore's protest died in his throat when he saw the sad expression on his face.

"I-I am not sure but he stole my attention like Topaz did when I meet her," Corvus said, "there is something about him that he shares with Topaz."

"They share royalty," Blaise said.

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