Chapter 14

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"Mother!" Draco said as he and Corvus busted into the library. Narcissa looked up from the book she was reading to give her attention to her son. "Yes? Is there something wrong?" Draco shook his head as he sat down, "I have an idea on how to fool the headmaster," Narcissa closed the book to listen to her son's idea. "You are saying that we found an injure Harry Potter and didn't tell them because we were focused on healing him and making sure he was alright. That will put us on the light side so Dumbledore wouldn't suspect us and we can reveal a different side to Dumbledore," Narcissa summarize Draco's words.

Draco nodded. "Corvus and I wouldn't have to be enemies because we can ask for a resorting and he can't deny it since it is in the rules. Corvus would be the one asking for it with the face of Harry Potter," Draco said. Corvus nodded, "If I'm sorted into Slytherin I will not have to keep the glamour on when I'm in the dorms," he said. Both him and Draco stare at Narcissa for an answer who mulled the idea in her head seeing that could be a good idea. It will benefit us to learn what Dumbledore is actually planning which will make him show his true face to the world.

"I agree, but I will have to talk to Lucius first and if he agrees then we might have to go public about how we are watching and helping heal the boy who lived," Narcissa said and Corvus sighs said, "The wizard world will know how I was mistreated by the Dursley's," Narcissa eyes soften seeing the fear in his eyes as she is sure he remembered what he had to go through in the hands of Harry Potter's relatives.

"Hello?" Topaz said. Corvus quickly jumped to his feet at the sound of Topaz voice. Draco and Narcissa were right behind Corvus, who they notice was bursting with excitement to see Topaz, who have only been gone day. Topaz is standing in the living room, a small puddle of water around her feet and around the other four guest. Corvus runs into the room straight to Topaz, who he throws his arms around her shoulders. Not even caring that she is wet along with the dress that Narcissa lets her use. Narcissa went straight to her sister to check if everything is okay. "They are just sleeping," Topaz said, returning Corvus hug.

"How did you break them out?" Corvus asked, and Draco added, "And the dementor? They roam the prison." Topaz shrugged and said, "I didn't even go inside. I only blew up a chunk of the prison which so happened to be the one they were lock in,"

"They jumped down into the waters," Tom said, walking into the living room. Topaz nodded.

"Could you at least keep them dry?" Narcissa asked, doing a heating spell on all three of them to dry them up. "No," Topaz said. "Are not you cold since you are also wet?" Draco asked. Topaz sighs and Corvus gives her one more hug before letting her go so she can talk.

"I can adapt to different water temperatures. I just don't like cold waters and a heating spell is not needed since I don't want to be cooked. Yes, I had a few leatherback turtles help me carry them through water because it's the way I travel. I'm a siren." Topaz said. Her eyes scanning their surprise faces except Corvus, who already knew what she is and Tom, who looked more like he was thinking.

That does answer some questions on how the fat muggle was killed or more of the entire liquid from his body absorbed. No wonder my body moved on its own, she really can be dangers even with just her mere voice. No wizard can even do that; the closest we have to control is the imperius curse.

"Now the seaweed thing makes sense. What about those legs?" Draco asked drawing some curiosity from everybody. "It's a painful transformation which is why a day is how long I can walk on land," Topaz said with sadness in her voice. Corvus shook his head and asked, "What will happen after a day passes?" Topaz eyes shift to him seeing the worry in them along with a small hint of fear. She pats his head, "My tail comes back, nothing bad happens actually." Topaz said, And I start to dry up and possible suffocate but I can't tell him that. Corvus relaxes after hearing that.

"There is no large water source in this manor other than a bathtub," Tom said, in amusement because if he thought about it. It is funny that she is powerful and is capable of doing magic even he doesn't know. Nevertheless, she needs water to be on land. One thing he was sure of is that Corvus is essential as not to experience the wrath of a fish.

Draco and Corvus look uncertainly at Tom, who was laughing at something funny. Narcissa was busy with checking  her sister, cousin and Lestrange brothers. "He might be amused that I will be a fish without water or something along those lines," Topaz said, glaring at Tom. Topaz doesn't like being insulted. "They are merely sleeping just like Topaz said and their magic is low, but that has to be because they were in Azkaban. Tom they will have to stay here since we can't afford for them to be found at Malfoy Manor. Corvus and Topaz will be coming to Malfoy Manor to put the plan my son came up with to motion," Narcissa said, standing up to face Tom, who gave her his full attention at the mention of a plan.

So Narcissa gave him a summary of what Draco told her and observes him nod in agreement. "That is a brilliant plan," he said to Draco, who bows to him for the compliment. "Thank you, Tom," Draco said. Tom nodded waving them away, Narcissa took one hand of the boys while Topaz took Corvus before she apparates to Malfoy Manor where she will have a discussion with her husband. After they had left Tom called for an elf to take the four sleeping wizards to a room.

I have to research a potion to cancel the power of her voice. It mostly will be for precaution if she does something to betray us.

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