Oh Mary, don't judge me

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  • Dedicated to Lakota Leanne Barnett

"I wasn't supposed to start school until September 4th." I look at my Aunt with blank eyes.

"You were also supposed to start school in California, but as it turns out, you didn't. So get out." She smiles at me.

I reluctantly get out of the car and shut the door.

As I walk into the front door of my new school, the first thing I see is a statue of Mary Magdeline and baby jesus frowning down at me, "Welcome to catholic school..." I mutter under my breath, and fix my uniform.

All of a sudden a girl with short brown hair pops directly in front of me, "Hi! Are you Rae? I'm Kati! Here's your gym uniform, your sweater, a pin for your sweater, and a Sacred Heart pencil, I can't wait to take you to all of your classes!" She smiles at me.

Okay, little miss "Peppy perfect"...

I was tempted to just say, "What? No? I've been going here for a year, my name is Lily, we've been in the same gym class for years?" But I decided against it...

"Hi Kati, I'm Rae." I shift all of my new shit into one hand and shake her hand.

"We're gonna be such good friends!" She smiles at me. "What's your schedgule?"

"I think I have Mr. Kent first?"

"I know where that is!" She starts to jump up and down, "Let's go!"

Kati starts walking down the hallway at a cheetah's pace, and I can barely keep up. Between the stuff in my hands, and the school supplies on my back, I'm barely walking at a snail's pace.

By the time that we reached the last door on the left(The door the furthest away from the office, mind you) I was out of breath.

"Well somebody needs to work out more often" Kati starts laughing, with a few snorts coming out here and there.

Is this seriously the only friend I have? I'm fucking doomed.

"Hey" I hear somebody say from behind me. Preparing for it to be one of Kati's weird friends, I turn around to see a girl with long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a smirk sketched so elegantly on her face, "You're new here, right?"

"Yeah... Brand new."

"Where are you from?" She walks closer to me.


"Ohhh, California girl." She laughs.

Something about this girl... She looks like... Like... A complete fucking badass.

"What's your name?" she quirks an eyebrow.

"Rae, what's yours?"

"Alexandria." She grabs her long hair and pulls it into a ponytail.

She sticks her hand out for me to shake it, and right as I reach mine out to grab hers, she rips it away and runs it through her ponytail.

"Too slow." She winks at me, before walking away.

Wait a second, what the fuck just happened?


"Rae, are you seriously going to walk all the way home like this?" Zacc rolls his eyes at me.

"Of course I'm going to." I slur, "I'm not that drunk Zacc, I can take care of myself."

"By the way I see you stumbling in those heels, no you can't. Just stay the night at my house, it's not that big of a deal." Zacc shrugs and sits down on his porch.

"No, because what if Lucas finds out?" I narrow my eyes at him, "Knowing you, you'll make up some stupid story to get me in trouble with him."

"Lucas is a fucking wimp! What's he gonna do? Throw a football at my head until he gets tired of missing?"

"Don't talk about my brother that way!" I snap.

Zacc puts his hands up, "Sorry"

I sit down on the grass in his yard, "If Lucas finds out what I do every night, do you know what he'll do? He'll *flip*. "

"Ms. Martin, would you like to join the rest of the class?" Zacc says with a blank expression.


"I asked, if you'd like to join in with the rest of the class, instead of staring blankly down at your desk like you've been doing for the last 10 minutes." Mr. Baker looks down at me with an angry expression on his face...

Oh shit... I'm still in class... Not drunk in Zacc's front yard...

"Yes sir, sorry... I guess I'm just a bit distracted..." I scratch at the back of my neck.

"Yes, we can all tell." He gestures his hand to the giggling faces around the room, Alexandria's face being one of them.


As all of the girls start to pile out of the classroom, I'm stopped by an angry Mr. Baker, "If you don't pay attention in my class, you're going to fail." he glares at me from under his bushy black eyebrows, "I don't care if this is only your second week at Sacred Heart, starting 2 weeks into the semester, you've missed a lot. If you keep zoning out in my class, I'm not going to catch you up, I'll just leave you to rot with the rest of the burnouts and don't give a crap kids." Mr. Baker walks quickly back to his desk and starts typing fiercely on his Macbook.

You'd think that for 12,000 a year you'd get teachers that care about your education... And maybe a teacher that doesn't speak only in monotone... But New Orleans education... What're you gonna get?

Picture to the right is Alexandria

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