Mommy dearest(Zane POV)

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 Zane POV:

"You're such an idiot." I say to myself as I lay in bed, "WHY. CAN'T. SHE. GET. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD."

Mom walks in, "Nash baby, are you in here?" Once she sees me lying on my bed a flash of something in her face is noticeable... Hatred maybe?

Whatever was on her face left before I could really tell what it was, "Where's your brother, Zane?"

"I don't know mommy dearest." I look up at my ceiling.

"Where were you last night? I saw Alexandria here, she was with that Clark boy and not you."

"Yeah, before I left I saw her practically fucking him, so I decided that it was time for us to take a break." I spit at her.

Mom sits down on Nash's bed and looks at me with disgust written all over her face, "Maybe if you didn't make such bad choices, you wouldn't pick such bad girls."

"Maybe if I had loving parents, I wouldn't make such bad choices, thus making me pick bad women." I look point blank at her, my eyes not flinching in the least bit.

"Maybe it's time for you to stop blaming us for every bad thing that you do." She says, a little bit louder.

I turn my head from her, "Maybe it's time for you to go find the good son, and stop bothering the one that doesn't matter to you."

Mom stands up with her hands on her hips, "I have never said that you meant nothing to me!"

I sit up in my bed and lean my back against the headboard. I fold my hands over my lap and watch as my mother's chest rises and falls with anger, "You never had to say anything mother," I say to her in almost a whisper, "You've shown it, the last 3 years." I give her a small smile.

She storms out of my room, slamming my door so hard that I can hear the wood making a subtle crack sound.

I walk over to my door, and press my ear against it, just like I did when I was younger.

Muffled voices fill the living room, "I can't stand it anymore, Jake."

"Vanessa, stop it, you're overreacting." My father's voice is hushed, though my mothers is defiantly not.


"You're being rash, Vanessa, all I heard was you yelling, not once did that boy raise his voice to you!" My father shouts back.

I would say that about 80% of my family's problems come from yours truly.

It used to be great... Nash and I used to get along fine.... My parents used to care for me... Until Nash had to come along and fuck it all up.

"I can't do it anymore, Jake." I hear my mother's broken voice say softly.

"Yes you can, Vanessa, you can."

"Zane is right..." Oh god... "I don't care about him anymore..."

Knowing that my mother doesn't care about me is one thing... But actually hearing the muffled voice of my mother's say it... That's another.

That is crossing into a completely different dimension.

I walk back to my bed and lay over the covers face down.

"Why is Mom crying?" I hear a voice say from the door.

I look over at Nash, standing at the edge of our room like he owns the place, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Why is my mother crying?"

"Nashy boy, that's our mother." I sarcastically smile at him.

"NO! You don't get to call her that anymore! You make her cry every day!" Nash angrily spits at me, storming over to my bed and standing over me, "Do you realize how many problems that you cause?"

"And who's fault is that?" I turn to look up at him.

Nash shakes his head. "Don't you realize that everybody hates you?"

"one person doesn't..." my mind whispers to me.

"Do you realize how close you are to my face, brother." I push Nash's face away from mine.

He puts his face just inches from mine once again, "You shouldn't even be able to share the same genes as me," he whispers, "You will never be the man that I am... The man that dad is... You will never be anything... You're always going to be the little boy that couldn't do anything, and that will never be loved." he backs up and goes towards the door.

Before he shuts the door he smiles, "And I'm going to take that precious girl from you too, wait until she finds out what you did." He winks at me and shuts the door. Immediately I know exactly what he's talking about...

No... No... NO. NO!

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!" I storm out of my room.

What the hell, I don't even know the girls last name, why am I getting so worked up?

Despite what my good sense was telling my brain, my heart was whispering something completely different, "You've taken everything else from me!" I storm out of the front door, and out towards the sidewalk that he's already walking on.

Nash turns his head as he walks, "Why shouldn't I take her? She's a hot piece of ass, and what would you do with her? Nothing. You'd keep her dangling in front of my face because you know that I like her."

Wrong. So. Unbelievably. Wrong.

"If only mom could hear the way you're talking now!" I shout at him.

Nash turns towards me, "The funny thing is, she'd still love me more."

This makes me stop, and Nash just keeps walking.

I hear him laugh joyfully as he keeps walking down the street.

Taking my dignity, my mother's love, and soon to be Rae's love with him.

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