Oh Jesus, why do you taunt me?

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  • Dedicated to Rae Prock

I lay back into my bed with a bottle of Jack Daniels that I stole out of my Aunt's fridge, "Feels like home." I sigh to myself as I take a hearty sip from the bottle.

"Hey, Cali..." I hear somebody whisper from around my room.

I fall off of my bed, "What the fuck?

"Open your window, stupid." The voice whispers.

I crawl over to my window and slide it open slowly, "Who's there?" I ask timidly.

A small blonde figure starts climbing her way though my window, "You remember my name, don't you Cali?"

The small blonde figure stands to her full height, and I can recognize the face, "How could I forget you, Alexandria?" I roll my eyes and plop back onto my bed.

"You're seriously going to just lay there with a bottle of Jack all night?" She looks down at me, and then starts scanning my walls, "How pathetic." She laughs.

"Well I don't exactly know anybody." I take another hearty sip.

"Why do you think I'm here?" She lies down next to me.

"Why are you here?" I turn to look at here, "And while we're on the topic, how do you know where I live?"

"Your cousin and my sister used to have a thing." She shrugs, "I came here to take you to a party. Seeing you at school all alone and shit is just... Well, for lack of a better word, It's pathetic."

I look back up at my ceiling, "Well at least Jack here," I hold up my bottle, "likes me."

Alexandria gets up from my bed and starts rifling around in my drawers.

"What are you doing?" I sit up.

"Getting something cute for you to wear." She lays a top down on my bed, "There are going to be guys there. And not just guys," she pauses, "hot guys."

"Why should I go with you?"

Alexandria lays a skirt down on my bed, and sits down next to it, "Well..." She thinks for a second, "Why shouldn't you go with me?"

"For all I know, you could be an old man." I look pointedly at her.

"Do you want me to show you my tits?"


"Then get your pathetic ass out of bed, put this cute outfit on, and get your ass outside."

Alexandria walks towards my window and slowly starts edging herself out. With one leg out of my window, and one leg still in my house, she stops and looks at me, "I'm giving you 15 minutes to get those," She points at the clothes on my bed, "on, make your hair not look like a bird wants to nest in it, and get some makeup on that pretty little face of yours."

"Well at least she has a complement..." I mumble to myself.

She narrows her eyes at me, "Don't make me come back in here, I can get meaner."

She slips her other leg out of my window and I can hear as she sits in some bushes.

I walk over to my mirror and start combing through my messy hair, "She can get meaner?"


"This is Matt, Logan, Nash, and Clark." Alexandria nods her head towards each of the beautiful guys in front of me.

"Lexi, why didn't you tell us you had an angel visiting?" Clark winks his long blonde eyelash at me.

Jesus christ, I'm going to faint.

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