When you're offered forbidden fruit, you don't just not take it...

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Rae POV:

I had a feeling that Alexandria knew that I was hiding something...

I had the feeling when I'd walked back into my house that night...

I had the feeling when she slipped out of my window with a curious glance back at me...

I had the feeling when she texted me saying;


But it wasn't until I heard her familiar voice, and I turned around to look at her, that I had known that she had known that I was with Zane.

"YOU LITTLE SKANK!" Alexandria pushes her forearm against my throat and pushes me up against the wall, "You stole my boyfriend!"

Yeah... She definitely knows...

I look down at Alexandria's eyes that are set ablaze, "Well hello Alexandria, it's wonderful to see you too. Yes, I had a wonderful weekend."

Alexandria lets out something like a growl and swings me by my neck towards the ground.

I land on my stomach, and I feel her get on top of me and grab me by my hair, she leans in close, "You're going to tell him that you feel nothing for him, and you're going to tell him now."

I push myself on my hands and knees and turn my head back as far as I can to look at her, "I'm sorry, this isn't Brokeback mountain, you can't ride me like a horse." I lean my body back so she falls off of me.

I hear girls snickering in response to what I'd said to her, but I was so busy trying to scramble away from her before she got back to me, that I couldn't really pay much attention, "GET BACK HERE YOU WHORE!"

I run down the hallway, looking for the boys bathroom to go into, "She won't go into the boy's bathroom!" my mind screams at me.

And then it hit me... I go to an all girl's school. There is no boy's bathroom.

Faster than the realizations had hit me, Alexandria slammed into my back, and sent me towards the ground yet again.

She straddled me again and punching at the back of my head and slamming on my back.

Before I knew it, there was a crowd of girls around us, watching Alexandria pound the shit out of me, screaming, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

"IS THERE SOMETHING GOING ON HERE?" I heard a voice say loudly, conquering the voices of the other girls." Thank god, a teacher!


"I'm afraid that we're going to have to suspend you, Mrs. Manning. Weirdly enough, fighting is frowned upon here." Mr. Miller, the principal, looks down at me from his desk, "Unlike your little hick town in California," he spits out the state's name like it's a dirty word, "We actually have rules. Picking a fight with Ms. Danielle wasn't very wise." He takes a second to look through his computer, before he lets out a dry chuckle, "And I see that your grades have been slipping!" He looks back at me, "It looks like you're on a downward spiral!" He shakes his head and folds his hands over his papers on his desk, "You're suspended for a week, effective immediately, get out of my sight."

That's right. Me. Rae Manning, suspended.

I'm the one that got suspended.

Why, you ask?

As well as Alexandria being the daughter of the vice principal, she was also the star player of the volleyball team...

Super slut-volleyball playing-fake good girl... Who'da thought?

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